Three types of declension in Serbian


1. a-declension:

This group contains all masculine (m) and neuter (n) nouns which take the -a ending in the genitive singular.
The following table provides you with a synopsis:

Synopsis: Case endings of -a declension

Singular Plural
m: consonant; n: -e,-o
m: -и, n: -a/
m: -i, n: -a
Dat. / Loc.
m: consonant; n: -e, -o
m: -e, n: -a
-ом, -ем/
m: -e, -u; n: -e, -o
m: -и, n: -a/
m: -i, n: -a

2. e-declension

All feminine nouns ending in -e in the genitive singular, follow this declension pattern.
The following table provides you with a synopsis:

Synopsis: Case endings of -e declension

Singular Plural
Dat. / Loc.

3. i-declension

All female nouns end in -i in the genitive singular.

Overview: Case endings of I-declination

Singular Plural
Nom. / Acc.
Gen. / Vok.
Dat. / Loc.
-у, -ју/
-i, -ju


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