Proposed time for learning: only a swift 17 minutes every day.
Available anywhere, anytime and on any device. To communicate with relatives, for bilingual relationships and for work and career. |
With the award-winning long-term memory learning method, you'll always remember Slovak.
Thanks to Superlearning technology, you can relax and learn 37.9% faster and concentrate better.
Mastering Slovak has never been easier:
Each exercise is automatically delivered to you by the course daily. As a result, you learn Slovak with a natural flow. |
An extensive array of learning methods secures enjoyment and achievement in learning, propelling you to maintain your daily Slovak learning routine.
17 |
Other | |
Long-term Never forget |
Learn through |
Superlearning: Learn |
Additional audio |
Sound quality of vocabulary |
Studio recordings by native speakers |
Often |
Payment | One-off payment |
Often monthly subscription |
At the heart of every language are the verbs. You will begin with the most frequently used verbs and all their conjugated forms. When you recognise and form verbs correctly, you have already learned the most important part of grammar and can now form meaningful sentences. |
to have | mať |
I have | mám |
you have | máš |
he has | má |
we have | máme |
you have | máte |
they have | majú |
to be | byť |
I am | som |
you are | si |
he is | je |
we are | sme |
you are | ste |
they are | sú |
to go | íst' |
I go | idem |
you go | ideš |
he goes | ide |
we go | ideme |
you go | idete |
they go | idú |
can | môcť |
I can | môžem |
you can | môžeš |
he can | môže |
we can | môžeme |
you can | môžete |
they can | môžu |
you can (formal) | môžete |
to do | robiť |
I do | robím |
you do | robíš |
he does | robí |
we do | robíme |
you do | robíte |
they do | robia |
I had | mal som |
you had | mal si |
he had | mal |
we had | mali sme |
you had | mali ste |
they had | mali |
I was | bol som |
you were | bol si |
he was | bol |
we were | boli sme |
you were | boli ste |
they were | boli |
I went | išiel som |
you went | išiel si |
he went | išiel |
we went | išli sme |
you went | išli ste |
they went | išli |
I did | robil som |
you did | robil si |
he did | robil |
we did | robili sme |
you did | robili ste |
they did | robili |
I will have | budem mať |
you will have | budeš mať |
he will have | bude mať |
we will have | budeme mať |
you will have | budete mať |
they will have | budú mať |
I will be | budem byť |
you will be | budeš byť |
he will be | bude byť |
we will be | budeme byť |
you will be | budete byť |
they will be | budú byť |
I will go | budem íst' |
you will go | budeš íst' |
he will go | bude íst' |
we will go | budeme íst' |
you will go | budete íst' |
they will go | budú íst' |
I will do | budem robiť |
you will do | budeš robiť |
he will do | bude robiť |
we will do | budeme robiť |
you will do | budete robiť |
they will do | budú robiť |
Is there ... ? | Je ...? |
May I ... ? | Smiem ...? |
I need ... | Potrebujem ... |
Where is ... ? | Kde je ...? |
What is ... ? | Čo je ...? |
How much is ... ? | Koľko stojí ...? |
I would like to have ... | Chcel by som ... (m), Chcela by som ... (ž) |
Can you ... ? | Môžeš ...? |
Can you (formal) ... ? | Môžete ...? |
Practice Slovak in the morning on the train using your iPhone or Android smartphone.
| |
You can pick up where you left off during your lunch break on your laptop, using Windows, Linux or on a Mac.
| |
In the evenings, you can kick back in your favourite spot and learn while you relax, whether it's on your iPad, Windows or Android tablet.
| ...when doing physical activity or riding a bike |
| ...while driving |
| ...while sitting comfortably on the sofa at home |
| ...on the train or bus |
| ...in between breaks or waiting periods |