Advised study time: merely a rapid 17 minutes each day.
Accessible from anywhere, at any time and on any device. For bilingual relationships, to communicate with relatives and for work and career. |
With the award-winning long-term memory learning method, you'll always remember Serbian.
Thanks to Superlearning technology, you can relax and learn 31.1% faster and concentrate better.
Learning Serbian has never been easier:
The course automatically provides you with all exercises each day. As a result, you learn Serbian with a natural flow. |
A wide range of learning approaches ensures enjoyment and success in learning, encouraging you to keep learning Serbian daily.
17 |
Other | |
Long-term Never forget |
Learn through |
Superlearning: Learn |
Additional audio |
Sound quality of vocabulary |
Studio recordings by native speakers |
Often |
Payment | One-off payment |
Often monthly subscription |
At the heart of every language are the verbs. You will begin with the most frequently used verbs and all their conjugated forms. When you recognise and form verbs correctly, you have already learned the most important part of grammar and can now form meaningful sentences. |
to have | имати |
I have | ја јесам |
you have | ти јеси |
he has | он има |
we have | ми имамо |
you have | ви јеси |
they have | они имају |
to be | бити |
I am | ја сам |
you are | ти си |
he is | он је |
we are | ми смо |
you are | ви сте |
they are | они су |
to go | ићи |
I go | ја идем |
you go | ти идеш |
he goes | он иде |
we go | ми идемо |
you go | ви идете |
they go | они иду |
can | моћи |
I can | ја могу |
you can | ти можеш |
he can | он може |
we can | ми можемо |
you can | ви можете |
they can | они могу |
you can (formal) | Ви можете |
to do | чинити |
I do | ја чиним |
you do | ти чиниш |
he does | он чини |
we do | ми чинимо |
you do | ви чините |
they do | они чине |
I have had | ја сам имао/имала |
you have had | ти си имао/имала |
he has had | он је имао |
she has had | она је имала |
we have had | ми смо имали/имале |
you have had | ви сте имали/имале |
they have had | они/оне су имали/имале |
I have been | ја сам био/била |
you have been | ти си био/била |
he has been | он је био |
she has been | она је била |
we have been | ми смо били/биле |
you have been | ви сте били/биле |
they have been | они/оне су били/биле |
I have gone | ја сам ишао/ишла |
you have gone | ти си ишао/ишла |
he has gone | он је ишао |
she has gone | она је ишла |
we have gone | ми смо ишли/ишле |
you have gone | ви сте ишли/ишле |
they have gone | они/оне су ишли/ишле |
I have done | ја сам чинио/чинила |
you have done | ти си чинио/чинила |
he has done | он је чинио |
she has done | она је чинила |
we have done | ми смо чинили/чиниле |
you have done | ви сте чинили/чиниле |
they have done | они/оне су чинили/чиниле |
I will have | ја ћу имати |
you will have | ти ћеш имати |
he will have | он ће имати |
we will have | ми ћемо имати |
you will have | ви ћете имати |
they will have | они ће имати |
I will be | ја ћу бити |
you will be | ти ћеш бити |
he will be | он ће бити |
we will be | ми ћемо бити |
you will be | ви ћете бити |
they will be | они ће бити |
I will go | ја ћу ићи |
you will go | ти ћеш ићи |
he will go | он ће ићи |
we will go | ми ћемо ићи |
you will go | ви ћете ићи |
they will go | они ће ићи |
I will do | ја ћу чинити |
you will do | ти ћеш чинити |
he will do | он ће чинити |
we will do | ми ћемо чинити |
you will do | ви ћете чинити |
they will do | они ће чинити |
Is there ... ? | Постоји ли ...? |
May I ... ? | Могу ли ...? |
I need ... | Требам ли ..? |
Where is ... ? | Где је ...? |
What is ... ? | Шта је ...? |
How much is ... ? | Колико кошта ...? |
I would like to have ... | Хтео/хтела бих ... |
Can you ... ? | Можеш ли ...? |
Can you (formal) ... ? | Можете ли ...? |
Practice Serbian in the morning on the train using your iPhone or Android smartphone.
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You can pick up where you left off during your lunch break on your laptop, using Windows, Linux or on a Mac.
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In the evenings, you can kick back in your favourite spot and learn while you relax, whether it's on your iPad, Windows or Android tablet.
| ...when doing physical activity or riding a bike |
| ...while driving |
| ...while sitting comfortably on the sofa at home |
| ...on the train or bus |
| ...in between breaks or waiting periods |