“Teaches Bulgarian much faster than with conventional learning methods – with only 17 minutes of learning time per day!”

Fast and highly efficient learning method:
You can have your first conversation after 3 hours and become fluent after 50 hours – for PCs, smartphones and tablets!
learn Bulgarian
That's how the Bulgarian course differs from other language courses:
Proposed time for learning: only a swift 17 minutes every day.
Anytime, anywhere and on any device.
With the award-winning long-term memory learning method, you'll always remember Bulgarian.
Thanks to Superlearning technology, you can relax and learn 32% faster and concentrate better.
Learning Bulgarian has never been easier:
Every day, the course automatically supplies you with all exercises. As a result, you learn Bulgarian with a natural flow.
An extensive array of learning methods secures enjoyment and achievement in learning, propelling you to maintain your daily Bulgarian learning routine.

Learn Bulgarian over the next two days completely for free Free Bulgarian trial version:

Learn Bulgarian over the next two days completely for free.
Try the course and see for yourself how you will be able to learn Bulgarian so much faster than you ever imagined.
Experience for yourself how learning Bulgarian will be fun and easy and how this course will get you hooked to continue every single day.
Experience for yourself, just how much you will learn in these two days!
free trial language course Bulgarian


The most important words in Bulgarian:

thank you
Excuse me, ...
how much?
колко много
Good morning!
Добро утро.
Good evening!
Добър вечер.

Efficient learning methods:

Using the unique long-term memory learning method you will learn Bulgarian in a very short time and be able to communicate fluently in Bulgarian.
A great variety of tasks and a wide range of learning methods will motivate you to keep learning every day.
You will learn words and phrases that you can apply immediately.
The insider learning community of 17 Minute Languages is where you can exchange ideas with other Bulgarian learners and make new friends with like-minded people.
learn Bulgarian with long-term memory method

What's included in the Bulgarian course:

  • With the Bulgarian beginner's course you will acquire a solid basic vocabulary of over 1,300 words and quickly reach level A1/A2 of the European Framework of Reference.
    The total learning time is an incredibly quick 21 hours.
    If you choose the Bulgarian complete package, you will even learn over 5,000 words and reach level C1/C2.
  • Through precisely designed idioms and dialogue texts, you will learn the words within context and in complete sentences.
  • All words and texts were recorded in our recording studio by Bulgarian native speakers:
    This is how you memorise an accent-free pronunciation and the correct intonation from the very beginning.
  • A practical-oriented grammar, that offers you new exercises every day and increases your language knowledge.
  • The verb trainer and the sentence construction trainer will teach you how to form sentences and communicate fluently.
Bulgarian course: contents

Online language course:

  • Runs without installation on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iPhones, Android smartphones, iPad as well as Android tablets.
  • With the additional audio trainer, you can learn and repeat all the vocabulary. Great when driving!
  • Latest version: The basic course Bulgarian was completely revised in 2025.
  • Already more than 540,000 language courses sold.
  • Protected by a 31-day money-back guarantee:
    Try out the language course without any obligation.
    If you are not completely satisfied, you will receive a refund of 100% of the purchase price.
Bulgarian course for beginners

This course compared to other providers:

17 Minute Languages
Other providers
Long-term memory learning method:
Never forget words again
Learn automatically
through daily trainer
Learn while meditating
audio trainer
Sound quality of
vocabulary and texts
Studio recordings
by native speakers
Often computer generated voices
One-off payment
Often monthly subscription

Reviews on Trustpilot:

Trustpilot opinion 13
Trustpilot opinion 6
Trustpilot opinion 2
Trustpilot opinion 3
Trustpilot opinion 8
Trustpilot opinion 4
Trustpilot opinion 5
Trustpilot opinion 7

Speed up learning Bulgarian:

speed up learning Bulgarian with 17 Minute Languages
Depending on your learning level, the daily trainer of the language course will automatically present all learning content to you at the best possible time.
learn 1,300 17En91 words and reach level A2
If you choose the beginner's course, you will learn 1,300 words and reach level A2.
With the complete package you will learn 5,000 words and reach level C2.
The complete package also offers you a much wider range of lessons and texts than the beginner's course, allowing you to immerse yourself in the Bulgarian language in much more depth and detail.
daily trainer
First read, listen and learn the vocabulary in the daily trainer.
A distinct pattern is used for repeating words, either by displaying and uncovering translations or through multiple-choice tasks.
You repeat new words over the next few days in a precise repetition loop so that you never forget them again.
This makes it easy for you to learn the translation, correct pronunciation and spelling of the words.
suitable Bulgarian texts for reading and listening
But words alone do not make up a language, you will get texts to read and listen to that accompany the vocabulary.
You can also train to form complete sentences with a sentence construction trainer.
Bulgarian verb trainer
A Bulgarian verb trainer is also part of the course to enable you to form verbs correctly.
learning at the optimal point
To simplify your learning process, all learning content is presented automatically so that you always continue learning at the most optimal point.
You decide whether your daily learning time is three minutes, 17 minutes or one hour, for example.
elements that motivate you to continue learning
In addition, there are many elements that motivate you to continue learning:
As an example, each word you learn comes with a complex scoring mechanism.
The points per word increase the longer your daily learning time is.
There are special rewards for continuous learning over several days.
exchange the points for bonuses
After each learning unit, you can compare yourself with other learners and exchange points for rewards – similar to a frequent flyer programme.
On days when you study extensively, a special surprise awaits you at the end.
You will receive additional incentives to study longer each day than the day before, as you will receive valuable extra points and therefore more rewards.
recorded in the recording studio by professional Bulgarian speakers
The vocabulary is appealingly illustrated and was recorded in the recording studio by professional Bulgarian speakers – there is no computer voice as with some other providers.
17 Minute Languages Learning Community
Use our learning community to exchange ideas with like-minded people and find a suitable learning partner.
vocabulary in English and Bulgarian
The course is an online course and you can use it any time on your computer, smartphone or tablet and change the device at any time.
And after you have learned actively, you can start the "audio trainer of the new and today not known words".
You will listen to the vocabulary in English and Bulgarian and repeat it.
Thus the words will consolidate better.
converse in Bulgarian
In a short time you will be able to speak fluently with the help of the Bulgarian course.
You will understand all words and never forget them again.
It will be easy for you to build whole sentences and it will be fun for you to converse in Bulgarian.
Order your Bulgarian course and get cracking »


If you have learned Bulgarian with 17 Minute Languages you will have these advantages:

Build your career!

  • You will increase your professional opportunities now that you can speak Bulgarian more confidently.
  • You now have the skills to work in Bulgaria whenever you wish.

Meet new people!

  • Every new language opens a door to a new world for you.
    You will meet many new and interesting people!
    Who knows: maybe the love of your life speaks Bulgarian?
  • Are you in a bilingual relationship?
    You can impress your partner by speaking Bulgarian!

Unforgettable experiences!

  • Broaden your horizons as you travel to Bulgaria.
    If you can speak Bulgarian, your trip will become an unforgettable experience:
    You will understand the country and its people better.

Make more of your free time!

  • You will be able to watch movies in Bulgarian!
  • What a joy it is to be able to read a book in Bulgarian!

Stay in great mental shape!

  • Scientific studies have shown:
    Continued learning increases quality of life and life expectancy.
  • Train your brain!
    Studies have shown that learning languages helps stave off dementia and Alzheimer's.



Free Bulgarian trial version

Test the Bulgarian course for free and get lots of study tips as well.

Bulgarian long term memory learning method


The long-term memory learning method of 17 Minute Languages:
Learn and never forget

The Bulgarian long-term memory learning method is based on the latest findings from research on vocabulary learning.
You learn all the vocabulary of the Bulgarian course from the beginning and repeat it in a systematic way until it is stored in your long-term memory.
This way you will remember the vocabulary permanently.
learn Bulgarian with long term method
Bulgarian language course
This is how the long-term method works:
  1. First thing on the following day you have to correctly translate this word.
  2. The program then waits for two days.
    On the third day you will be prompted by the same word again.
    You then have to translate it correctly.
  3. The program then waits 4 more days.
    On day eight, the same word will prompt you once more.
  4. The program then waits 8 more days.
    On the ninth day you will be prompted by the same word yet again.
  5. The program then waits a final 9 days.
    You have to correctly translate the word just one more time.

If you knew the word on each occasion, by this time you will never forget it!
It is permanently stored in your long-term memory.
(Important to know: if you forgot the word to be learned on any occasion during the repetition phase, the repetition starts again.)
With this learning method, you will learn all of the vocabulary in this Bulgarian course.
New words will be added to your lessons every day.
Your vocabulary will grow rapidly.

Daily trainer for learning Bulgarian:
The quick-learning system

The daily trainer guides you through all the lessons of your language course on each learning day – according to your learning level.
Before each learning session, the course assesses your current knowledge level and methodically imparts all the educational material from the language course:
Using numerous innovative test methods, you will learn and repeat the Bulgarian vocabulary until it is stored in your long-term memory.
You will be able to recall these words automatically as they are now stored in your long term memory.
Words in long-term memory:
After finishing the daily trainer, we provide a recap of all the words that you have embedded in your long-term memory.
Add your own vocabulary:
You are interested in a certain topic but you can hardly find any vocabulary about it in your language course?
No problem!
You have the option of entering your own words with your translation into Bulgarian.
Your new words will then be entered and integrated in the daily trainer in the same way as the vocabulary contained in the course.
To keep the daily trainer exciting and innovative every day, these different learning topics are not treated in separate blocks, but are presented according to the subject matter and your learning level.
This keeps your daily learning experience interesting and makes you want to continue learning for a few minutes longer every time.
Texts, phrases and idioms
The vocabulary is broken down into themes, you will learn sentences in context to each theme from the many authentic set texts and dialogues.
Soon, you can look forward to reading books and watching films in Bulgarian in the original language.
Sentence construction trainer
With the help of the sentence construction trainer you will learn to build sentences in Bulgarian in a relaxed and creative way!
The program automatically corrects your work.
So you will quickly grasp how sentences are build in Bulgarian.
Verb trainer
It is the verbs that are at the heart of every language.
Here you will learn the most important verbs and their conjugated forms, you will also learn how to use the right tenses in Bulgarian.
Learn Bulgarian grammar:
The rules of the language are included in your daily trainer: with the help of clearly explained grammar chapters – illustrated by examples – you will learn Bulgarian grammar from scratch and according to a didactically meaningful system.

Order your Bulgarian course and start learning immediately »

Bulgarian insider learning community

17 Minute Languages' exclusive insider learning community

When you have completed your daily tasks you have the possibility to transfer your score online.
You can now also compare yourself with other users using the leaderboard.
Check out who is behind the top scores (of all courses).
Similar to a frequent flyer programme, you can convert the points earned in the course into over 50 rewarding presents.
The more you learn the more you earn :)
Connect with others!
Share your knowledge and grow together with our insider learning community of 17 Minute Languages.
Find a tandem partner from Bulgaria and support and motivate each other while learning.
Make interesting friends with other Bulgarian learners or people from Bulgaria.
learn Bulgarian online



Free Bulgarian trial version

Test the Bulgarian course for free and get lots of study tips as well.


Mixed exercises that are entertaining and engaging:

Variety is key to learning.
Your language course ensures lasting motivation to learn with a range of varied and appealing learning methods, visualisations and bonuses.
This course will motivate you to learn every day and you will be speaking fluent Bulgarian in no time.
learn BULGARIAN with a variety of daily tasks
The course programme offers you new vocabulary based on a sophisticated system.
You repeat these as often and as long as it takes to really master the vocabulary in your sleep.
The program is designed to grow as your knowledge grows.
Between repetitions, you'll encounter new words as part of diverse daily tasks.
varied learning methods for fluent Bulgarian
With varied learning methods such as illustrated vocabulary, multiple-choice questions, matching games, translation exercises and dictations, you are guaranteed lasting learning enjoyment.
points for all Bulgarian vocabulary you have learned
You will receive points for all the vocabulary you have learned - and the longer you learn, the more points you earn.
Naturally, what's the point of collecting points if they can't be exchanged for rewards.
That's why you can gradually exchange your collected points for valuable rewards.
Bulgarian course with detailed statistics
We have implemented detailed statistics that will tell you exactly how extensive your knowledge is in Bulgarian.
You can choose to compare your scores with other learners time and time again.
Bulgarian verb trainer
Verbs are at the heart of every language.
We've created a verb trainer just for you.
This training program will teach you frequently used verbs and all their tenses.
studying Bulgarian with everyday dialogues
Typical everyday dialogues are narrated by professional native speakers and set to music to give you that authentic feel of real situations you are very likely to encounter.
fluent Bulgarian with superlearning music
Superlearning music, a favourite element, is included in all language courses to ensure a relaxed language learning experience.
(Of course you can also learn without this music).
meditation practice to learn 17 En01
For complete relaxation, you can do a guided meditation after each learning section.
This allows you to complete each learning unit in a deeply relaxed manner.
network with tandem partners
Be a member of our learning partner circle:
You have the opportunity to find learning or tandem partners to study together and to support and motivate each other.
course with Bulgarian grammar
During the course we will introduce you to Bulgarian grammar.
Step by step, the course introduces you to all the important rules of the language and gives you an understanding of the grammar with entertaining exercises.


Learn Bulgarian 32.9% faster with Superlearning music

Your learning will be accelerated by next generation superlearning meditation music.
You will hear music that will deeply relax you.
Within a very short time you will become very focused:
You will be completely calm, breathing slowly and deeply and be able to concentrate completely on the Bulgarian vocabulary.
You will also be able to concentrate on the Bulgarian course longer than without superlearning music, as you will be less distracted.
The superlearning music includes 'binaural beats' (a sound wave) known for it's health benefits: increased memory, relaxation and reduced anxiety.
You must wear headphones in order to experience the benefits.
You can use the superlearning music any time!
You might like to try it when you're working or studying for exams.
And of course you can switch the superlearning music off at any time, if you would prefer to learn without music.

Versatile dialogues and useful phrases for Bulgarian

Diverse dialogues and valuable phrases

All words and dialogues have been recorded by a Bulgarian native speaker.
From the very beginning, you will learn clear, accent free pronunciation and correct emphasis.
The texts and phrases were developed through the cooperation of a linguist and a Bulgarian native speaker.
In this course, you will learn how Bulgarian is really spoken in Bulgaria.

Content of texts and dialogues:

You will accompany the two main characters of the language course on their holidays and in their day-to-day lives at home in 42 different dialogues.
Together with them, you will encounter important situations that could happen on your holidays or at home with your partner.
In the many dialogues provided, you will practice sentences that you can really use.
When you work with the dialogues provided in this course, you will improve your conversation skills day by day.
Holidays at the seaside
Почивка на морето
Simeon is on holiday at the beach. He meets Nikola.
Симеон е на почивка на морето. Среща Никола.
Hello, my name’s Simeon. I‘m twenty-three years old.
Здравей! Аз съм Симеон. На двайсет и три години съм.
Nice to meet you. My name is Nikola. Where are you from?
Приятно ми е да се запознаем. Аз съм Никола. Откъде си?
From Bulgaria. I was born in Varna.
От България, роден съм в София.
Welcome to the beach. Are you here on holiday?
Добре дошъл на плажа. На почивка ли си тук?
Yes, I am. Do you live here?
Да. Ти тук ли живееш?
At the hotel
В хотела
Simeon talks to a woman at the reception.
Симеон разговаря с жената на рецепцията.
Good evening. I am looking for a nice single room.
Добър вечер! Нуждая се отедна хубава единична стая.
No problem, we have lovely rooms upstairs with bathrooms. Is that okay?
Няма проблем, горе имаме прекрасни стаи с баня. Това устройва ли ви?
Of course, that is great.
Разбира се, това е страхотно.
Excuse me, is there a television in the bed room?
Кажете ми, има ли телевизор в стаята?
Yes, we even have satellite television.
Да, имаме дори и сателит.
The outing
Simeon never wanted to go to Varna, but Nikola grew up there.
Симеон никога не е искал да ходи във Варна, но Никола е израснала там.
In Simeon‘s opinion Varna is such a grey, awful and boring city.
Симеон смята, че Варна е един мрачен, ужасен и скучен град.
But this time Nikola forced him to come along with her at least for a day.
Но този път Никола го принуди да отиде с нея поне за един ден.
They walk through the old town together.
Те вървят заедно из стария град.
This is the place where I spent most of my time when I was young.
Това е мястото, където съм прекарвала най-много време, когато бях млада.
An art gallery?
Галерия на изкуствата?
At the service station
На бензиностанцията
Simeon did his driver's license a few weeks ago.
Симеон си е взел шофьорската книжка преди няколко седмици.
Therefore he is always excited when he‘s driving a car.
Затова е винаги развълнуван когато кара кола.
He knows exactly how to get to the station.
Той знае отлично пътя до гарата.
From there, he just has to take the motorway straight to the airport.
Оттам трябва да кара само направо по магистралата до летището.
But first he has to go to the petrol station:
Но първо трябва да се отбие на някоя бензиностанция.
He doesn’t know which petrol he needs.
Той не знае какво гориво е подходящо за неговата кола.
The guy on the train
Мъжът във влака
Nikola is on the train. She is going home for Christmas.
Никола седи във влака. Тя си отива вкъщи за Коледа.
An elderly person sits next to her.
Един по-възрастен човек седи до нея.
Are you on the train for a business trip?
По командировка ли пътувате?
No, I will visit my family over Christmas.
Не,ще посетя семейството си за Коледа.
That’s so nice! You can consider yourself lucky. I don’t have a family any more.
Колко мило! Вие сте щастливка. Аз вече нямам семейство.
Are you a bachelor?
Ерген ли сте?

Step by step, the verb trainer guides you through each verb and its various conjugations

At the heart of every language are the verbs.
You will begin with the most frequently used verbs and all their conjugated forms.
When you recognise and form verbs correctly, you have already learned the most important part of grammar and can now form meaningful sentences.
With the verb trainer, you will learn how to conjugate the most frequently used verbs, how to use the verbs in constructing sentences and apply the tenses correctly in Bulgarian.
When you master this you have already learned the essentials of Bulgarian grammar.
You will understand sentences and confidently have your first conversations in Bulgarian.
The verb trainer will systematically teach you all important verbs in all tenses within the first few days.
The playful exercises build on each other making it very easy for you to follow.
See how verbs are formed in Bulgarian here:
to have
I have
аз имам
you have
ти имаш
he has
той има
we have
ние имаме
you have
вие имате
they have
те имат
to be
I am
аз съм
you are
ти си
he is
той е
we are
ние сме
you are
вие сте
they are
те са
to go
I go
аз вървя
you go
ти вървиш
he goes
той върви
we go
ние вървим
you go
вие вървите
they go
те вървят
I can
аз мога
you can
ти можеш
he can
той може
we can
ние можем
you can
вие можете
they can
те могат
you can (formal)
вие можете
to do
I do
аз правя
you do
ти правиш
he does
той прави
we do
ние правим
you do
вие правите
they do
те правят
I had
аз имах
you had
ти имаше
he had
той имаше
we had
ние имахме
they had
те имаха
I was
аз бях
you were
ти беше (бе)
he was
той беше (бе)
we were
ние бяхме
you were
вие бяхте
I went
аз вървях
you went
ти вървеше
he went
той вървеше
we went
ние вървяхме
you went
вие вървяхте
they went
те вървяха
you did
ти правеше
he did
той правеше
we did
ние правехме
you did
вие правехте
they did
те правеха
I will have
аз ще имам
you will have
ти ще имаш
he will have
той ще има
we will have
ние ще имаме
you will have
вие ще имате
they will have
те ще имат
I will be
аз ще съм
you will be
ти ще си
he will be
той ще е
we will be
ние ще сме
you will be
вие ще сте
they will be
те ще са
I will go
аз ще вървя
you will go
ти ще вървиш
he will go
той ще върви
we will go
ние ще вървим
you will go
вие ще вървите
they will go
те ще вървят
I will do
аз ще правя
you will do
ти ще правиш
he will do
той ще прави
we will do
ние ще правим
you will do
вие ще правите
they will do
те ще правят
Is there ... ?
Има ли ...?
May I ... ?
Мога ли ...?
I need ...
Трябва ми ...
Where is ... ?
Къде е ...?
What is ... ?
Какво е ...?
How much is ... ?
Колко струва ...?
I would like to have ...
Бих искал ...
Can you ... ?
можеш ли ...?
Can you (formal) ... ?
Можете ли ...?

Bulgarian sentence construction trainer

Bulgarian sentence building trainer
You will find the Bulgarian Sentence Construction Trainer integrated into your language course.
This program teaches you to form sentences in Bulgarian quickly and correctly.
This is how you practise sentence construction in Bulgarian:
You see a short sentence in Bulgarian broken down into its building blocks, the individual words.
Your task now is to put the individual words in the correct order.
You learn the vocabulary in the context of complete sentences and with each exercise you improve your sentence structure in Bulgarian.
You will learn Bulgarian even faster and become more confident in speaking every day.

Bulgarian conversation trainer

At the beginning of learning Bulgarian it is very important that you can start to form sentences quickly and have important phrases in Bulgarian at hand.
You can achieve this important foundation in a short time with the Bulgarian conversation trainer.
The conversation trainer is part of the Bulgarian course and teaches you sentences, sentence building blocks and phrases right from the start.
The topics are as follows:
  • greetings & farewells
  • small talk
  • introducing yourself
  • asking your first questions
  • talking about hobbies
  • reading labels, signs and tags
  • placing orders in restaurants and cafés
  • ask for prices
  • book a room
  • make phone calls in Bulgarian
  • organise everything when travelling
  • appointments and dates
  • write e-mails
  • rent a car
  • travel by public transport
  • and much more!
Bulgarian conversation trainer


Order the Bulgarian course and start immediately »


One online course suitable for all your devices: laptop, tablet and smartphone

You can use the Bulgarian online course on all your devices and switch back and forth between them as you like.
The course can be used with any smartphone (Android, iPhone), any tablet (iPad, Android or Windows) and any computer running Windows (11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP), Linux or Mac OS.
You can pick up where you left off, regardless of the device.

Practice Bulgarian in the morning on the train using your iPhone or Android smartphone.
You can pick up where you left off during your lunch break on your laptop, using Windows, Linux or on a Mac.
In the evenings, you can kick back in your favourite spot and learn while you relax, whether it's on your iPad, Windows or Android tablet.

Bonus: Additional Audio-Trainer

As an extra to the Bulgarian learning software you get the Bulgarian audio trainer.
The audio trainer teaches you in blocks of 5 minutes, which you can play manually or via autoplay function – ideal if you don't have a free hand.
You will be able to consolidate what you have learned and learn new words.
You can listen to the Bulgarian audio trainer on your mobile phone or run it on your PC.
To help you remember the words even better, we have added the superlearning music to the background of each track.
Con el entrenador de audio aprendes búlgaro a través de la escucha, casi sin darte cuenta, por ejemplo:
...when doing physical activity or riding a bike
...while driving
...while sitting comfortably on the sofa at home
...on the train or bus
...in between breaks or waiting periods

Audio trainer example 1


Audio trainer example 2


Want to refresh your Bulgarian or expand your existing knowledge?

If you already know some Bulgarian and would like to expand your existing Bulgarian knowledge, you can take a placement test for Bulgarian right at the beginning of the language course.
You will then start learning at exactly the perfect point for you.
If you learned Bulgarian a long time ago, but have forgotten a lot of words, we recommend that you start at the very beginning.
You will move through the course quickly: for each word, you can quickly tag whether you already knew it or whether it is new to you.
Verbs, texts and grammar will be repeatedly shown to you throughout the course with new content.
You can decide for yourself at any time what else you would like to learn.
This way you only learn new things and quickly revise everything you might have forgotten.

Professionally recorded Bulgarian texts and vocabulary

All vocabulary and texts are spoken by a Bulgarian native speaker.
You can listen to and repeat each of the 1,300 words as well as the 42 dialogue texts as often as you'd like.
In all the learning methods and tests, the vocabulary and lines of text are played for you.
You constantly repeat the correct pronunciation.
You learn clear and accent free pronunciation with the correct emphasis!
learn Bulgarian with native speakers


Free Bulgarian trial version

Test the Bulgarian course for free and get lots of study tips as well.

You are protected by our money-back guarantee:

Test the language course without any risk.
If you are not completely satisfied, we will refund 100% of the purchase price.
No questions asked.
Order your Bulgarian course now »


You get immediate access to the language course:

When you order the course and pay by credit card or Paypal, you get immediate access to your online course.
You only pay once – this is not a subscription model as is the case with other providers.
You can use your course for 10 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

about the Bulgarian language course

Watercolor BG

about 17 Minute Languages' software

Watercolor BG

about ordering my Bulgarian language course

Watercolor BG

I have more questions about the Bulgarian language course!

Please visit the 17 Minute Language's Help Center – we provide you with plenty of answers to many questions.
We are always happy to help you!
learn Bulgarian with 17 Minute Languages


What do our clients say
... regarding the learning methods of the language courses

"I am very content with your language course and I really enjoy learning with it. I like the well-structured way of the course and the wide-ranged possibilities which makes learning so much easier and varying as well. Besides I think it's great you can choose listening to the language as often as you want to as well as being able printing the vocabulary on flashcards. In any case I would love to thank the experts who developed the course very much! It's fun to learn a new language with this course!"
   (Gillian Smith)
"Early days yet but ... I like the challenge created by the various ways of presenting the words / expressions presented in the learning process.
Both passive and active recall are interspersed following your own system and the dynamic variation keeps the experience 'fresh'.
I'm old and have a problem with short-term memory but I notice that the repetitions and 'recycling' are paying off.
Recognition is simple but recall of the target item from the English is slow. I'll get there in the end!
By combining this course (for vocabulary) with other input, I am making fair progress."

   (Piet Wade)
"The vocabulary trainer is jut awesome!!! This is how you motivate people to learn!
Words have to be repeated until you spell them correctly.
Also, I think its great being tested in both languages. Either one way or the other, it's up to you.
I'm pretty sure this how you will remember your vocabulary! The texts are chosen very well, directly taken out of every day life, very understandable for everyone, meaningful and very helpful for general use.
I also like being able listening to the texts line by line and listening to the vocabulary particularly as often as you want to. This programm is super easy to handle. Thumbs up!"

   (Doro Graham)
"It is a more fun approach than other courses.
I like the repetition rhythm of words I do not know. I need a visual approach to support aural learning."

   (Andrea Matrosovs)
"It speaks the words so I can hear pronunciation instead of just guessing how written words might sound.
I also like the multitude of ways the words are presented: written words, pictures, fill in the blank sentences, spoken dialogue, etc.
This allowed me to speak more authentically and to learn the words more thoroughly.
This is the best program I have used."

   (Ashley Crust)

What our clients say
... about the long term memory learning method

"I've been mostly impressed by the long-term method for learning new vocabulary, since I didn't expect knowing the vocabulary after a pretty long break. The explanation of the psychological backgrounds and the systematics of the memory performance respectively makes the learning methods much more comprehensible."
   (Scott Wilkinson)
"I was especially amazed by learning with the longterm-method. The records of the entire vocabulary and dialogues sound very natural and realistic since they were all spoken by native speakers. Putting it in a nutshell, it's a well-made language course."
   (Marcus Großkautz)
"I've been using this language course for 4 months intensively. I think it's really convenient having the possibility to repeat the vocabulary regularly with the long-term memory learning method. I really enjoy this programm for it keeps asking until the correlate word is typed in correctly. Moreover the digital speech of the respective vocabulary is also great."
   (Gautam Kumars)
"I'd learned this language already basically before but I couldn't remember hardly anything about my basics, nevertheless I was able to reaccess the language. For this I'm sure the clear and logical structure of the language course is crucial and also the opportunity to operate within the program in so many different ways."
   (Jean-Baptiste Novak)
"Every day before I go sleep I'm practising my vocabulary with the long-term memory learning method. By purchasing your software I've made a good decision since it's fun learning and gives me a sense of achievement most of the time. As far as I'm concerned this course enhanced my linguistic knowledge because it's design is varying. Another great advantage is the course being suitable for all kind of operating systems. This is what I really like about it since I'm a Linux user and therefor limited concerning software."
   (Chris Worthingham)
"The long-term memory learning method for keeping vocabulary in long-term memory is, in my opinion, particularly efficient. Thereby you are developing ambition which keeps you going. Also the pages which hide the vocab are tremendously good to get a quick overview and are very suitable to repeat in fast track. I find the displaying of the last seven wrong inputs in the long-term memory learning method very supportive."
   (Frank Collins)
"I particularly like the vocabulary-learning function with the long-term memory learning method. Not only is this method incredibly efficient but also very motivating, because success becomes apparent immediately and you can feel certain having the vocabulary stored in your long-time memory. A great advantage are the crystal clear voice recordings which don't left you thinking about the pronunciation and makes naturally learning possible."
   (Guillaume Guerrin)
"I really do like learning using the long term memory learning method. Using the pc is much simpler than writing manually. Moreover using the pc is much more efficient since you can not betray yourself - The system is correcting every single mistake also including emphasis which are also registered. Storing the different levels makes repeating the vocabulary and the texts based on the flashcard principle possible and thereby more effective. Learning foreign languages has become a hobby to me - for me, personally, not is it only learning by heart but a leisure pursuit."
   (Emily Snyder)
"I liked the logical structure of my language course. The dialogues are easy to follow and very comprehensible. The further possibilities which can be chosen to learn vocabulary by different styles and ways both verbally and written are very well-suited for keeping them in the long-term memory. Even after several months they are still available. My basic understanding of languages has been broaden by this course."
   (Anthony Hockner)
"I find the logical and neat outline very appealing. I'm also motivated by the long term memory learning method which makes it easy for me to live up to the learning success of the day before and gets me started over quickly. I've already bought the beginner's course and my experiences with the long term memory learning method are good. You can virtually follow the continuing progress the team is working on - this is what I really like since they give me the feeling that I'm taken seriously when I hand in some suggestions for improvement and changes."
   (Agatha Low)
"It's very beneficial being able to organize your individual schedule and also being able to print out the entire course. The variety of the teaching materials is also great.
When it comes to learning vocabulary by using the long term memory learning method you only decide once how long you would like to learn per day. Once you've decided on how long you want learn a day, this will be happening automatically afterwards. So, once you get started you will pull trough.
This is also very helpful when having a hard time with motivation. Being able to decide on your own how long you want learn makes this course "feasible"."

   (Henry Smalls)

Customer reviews
... about the daily trainer

"I really have to thank you for the daily exercises. They really give me motivation I need to do at least my daily exercises on a daily basis since I don't have much time left. Additionally I think the great choice of the different ways of learning is gorgeous, e.g. first, taking a look at the vocabulary, secondly finding them hidden in a text and thereby studying them and then being tested and learning vocabulary intensively. "
   (A. Svensson)
"I like the interval repetition, the division in levels and the monitor how much time is left to achieve a level, I like the reward system, when it is possible to get other courses in other languages, I like the meditation mysic."
"I enjoy the daily exercise program because it's easy to work on and it's varying. Mostly I use the long term memory learning method and the quick repetition. This course allows me to continue my studies on a daily basis and I feel really really motivated to learning another language."
   (Jason Big)
"The daily exercises are the greatest thing about this learning software. In this way I'm able to learn in a structured way. Thereby, I can learn both the vocabulary training and text exercises quickly and continuing. Moreover I'm convinced by the different methods of vocabulary training and different learning methods. Above all the text input and the automatic testing of your knowledge gives me a quick and really good result."
   (Chris Osborne)
"I am given the possibility to determine the learning rate myself. The daily exercises are giving me the pressure necessary I need to do them.
Apparently different brain areas are getting activated by different learning methods of the program. In my own case, the learning success seems to be lasting."

   (Craig Miller)
"To me the daily exercises are awesome and be given the possibility to continue right where I stopped by the repetition.
Not a day goes by without me working with the program and working on my vocabulary knowledge at least.
Within almost 100 days I've stored about more than 1000 words in the long term memory.
I would like to thank you so much for this course. I'm enjoying it so much and it really helps me staying on track."

   (Victoria Statham)
"The daily are exercises learning method seem very effective. It gives you a well-structures schedule that guides you trough the program.
And if there is time left you you could additionally use further training methods."

   (Gunther Rummel)
"I especially enjoy the daily exercises since they really enhance the quality of learning new languages. I'll try learning a new language every year. I also like being constantly encouraged by the program and getting learning tips. Without the learning tips it would definitely take me longer to learn a language and also the feeling of success wouldn't be as huge (as it is now)."
   (Claudia Sawitsch)

What our clients say
... in regard to structure and content of the programme

"I appreciate the course' systematic regarding the structure, the clarity regarding the titles you can click on.
I also like being able to print out whatever I like and having the correcting aid at my disposal. It's very beneficial having the opportunity to listen to the appropriate vocabulary. This course is definitely meeting my expectations!"

"This course has broadened my vocabulary knowledge tremendously.
For me personally, listening to texts and thereby improving my own pronunciation was particularly helpful. Of course this is really motivating, helpful and is giving me a feeling of getting more and more confident when communicating with native speakers. The method by which you acquire vocabulary is excellent - at the same time it's a fantastic exercise to train my brain."

   (Bill Green)
"I like being drilled - and measured against A1/A2 proficiency. I also like the dialogs. I go back over them again and again. (Occasionally the dialog translations are not real accurate but they do give the meaning.) After reading dialogs, I will also type them into my own document, give me a good practice writing. I also like the dictation."
   (Ira Lund)
"I like the learning units being split in small very achievable units. The vocabulary being taught is very applicable especially for beginners - that's what I really like since I want to learn this language only on a "vacation" kind of level. Additionally I want to point out the learning monitoring and the opportunity given to print out the vocabulary which makes learning a lot easier for me."
   (Mark Curtis)
"The lessons are very versatile. This program also provides the possibility to print out cards which I think is very crucial. Since we're getting ready to move these lessons are great to get prepared.
This course is great!"

   (Tess Carlson)
"I'm really motivated by the short and not too challenging lessons. They encourage me to hang in there because they are easy to process by the self-learning principle. I really like the versatile testing options. Each term or sentence can be repeated - this way the pronunciation can be memorized much better."
   (Christen Nixon)
"I'm very pleased with this course and it helps a lot with my studies. This course is especially helpful when it comes to learning vocabulary and a proper pronunciation. I'm pretty sure I would have given up learning this language if it wasn't for this course. I like the lessons being short and therefore clear. Also the flashcards which can be printed out are great for taking with you and learn whenever I feel like studying."
   (Holly Wilkinson)
"The program is well-structured and clearly represented. The vocabulary tests are also tremendously effective since you cannot cheat. They are repeated over and over again until each vocabulary can be answered perfectly from every point of view."
   (Dorothy Blake)
"I was positively surprised by the many lessons. The lessons aren't stuffed full and contain an appropriate amount of vocabulary. The dialogue texts are well-chosen and the basic vocabulary is extensive.
The flash cards which can be printed are a good learning method - it really worked out for me."

   (Nicki Chestnut)

What our clients say
... about the price/performance ratio of the language courses

"What I like most about the course is the long term memory learning method. This way it's possible to learn vocabularies which you consider to be essential. Moreover I was surprised my the price... I think is a very fair price! Kudos to you!"
   (Sebastian White)
"I would like to thank you for the excellent price/performance ratio. "
   (George Murphy)
"The price/performance ratio is amazing. Other courses which are comparable are much more expensive!"
   (Andrew Drake)
"I've tried bunches of language courses and this one is the best so far! The price-performance ratio is absolutely justifiable. The course' navigation is easy to handle whereas the course is both visually and acoustically orientated. This way learning is easy and progress can be seen very soon. This course is highly recommendable - especially for beginners."
   (Daniel Robinson)
Bulgarian with superlearning method

Here's a summary of what's included in the Bulgarian language course:
  • Learn over 1,300 words with the unique long-term memory learning method and acquire a solid Bulgarian basic vocabulary.
    If you choose the Bulgarian complete package, you'll learn over 5,000 words.
  • You will be given countless phrases and texts grouped by themes.
    You will learn the words in context and in whole sentences.
  • Through a wide variety of phrases and texts, you will learn the words within context and in complete sentences.
  • You will receive new exercises every day that include grammar to complete your language knowledge.
  • The daily trainer provides you with exercises according to your learning level and speed, in order to achieve the highest possible learning efficiency.
  • Thanks to the verb trainer, which is also presented to you as part of the daily trainer, you will learn how to conjugate the most common verbs and how to apply the tenses in Bulgarian.
  • With the help of the sentence structure trainer, you will be taught the sentence structure in Bulgarian in a playful way.
    Soon you will be able to form correct sentences in Bulgarian.
  • The conversation trainer provides you with an easy and successful introduction to the language.
    You will learn simple sentences and useful expressions.
    Beginners in particular will quickly be able to have basic conversations.
  • In the 17 Minute Languages' learning community, you can exchange ideas and make new friends with other highly motivated learners of your chosen foreign language as well as native speakers from Bulgaria.
  • Effective learning methods adapted to every type of learner offer enormous learning fun.
  • The course requires no prior installation and is particularly user-friendly.
  • Latest version – the Bulgarian language course was completely revised in 2025.
  • One-off payment, no subscription.
    You get access for 10 years.
  • For Windows / Linux / Mac OS / iPhone / Android smartphones / iPad / Android tablets / Windows tablets.

money-back guarantee
You are protected by our money-back guarantee:
Test the language course without any risk.
If you are not completely satisfied, we will refund 100% of the purchase price.
No questions asked.


Select your course here:

   Secure Order:

Money-back guarantee:
You can cancel your purchase at any time during the first 31 days and get a full refund of your money.
You will receive the software as an online course:
  • You can start learning immediately!
  • You don't have to install anything, you learn online.
  • The online course works with Windows, Mac OS and Linux, on iPhone and Android smartphones, on iPad and Android tablets.
  • Access to the online course is valid for 10 years.
  • You can cancel your purchase at any time during the first 31 days and get your money back.
  • Already, over 540,000 learners have mastered a new language using 17 Minute Languages.
  • All prices include VAT.

How is this language course different from the others?

rapid progress

Fast-paced progress:

This software program will make learning Bulgarian fun and easy in breathtaking time.

Sophisticated software:

We first released this software in 2002.
Our developers revise it every year and with the greatest attention to detail.
daily tasks

Diverse daily assignments:

Varied daily tasks and a huge selection of learning methods will motivate you to continue learning every day.
unique learning methods

Unique learning methods:

With the long-term memory learning method and daily tasks tailored to you, you will learn Bulgarian in record time.
no subscription

No subscription model:

Your access is valid for 10 years, you only pay once.
exclusive learning community

Exclusive learning community:

Make connections with like-minded people in our learning community.