Advised study time: merely a rapid 17 minutes each day.
Can be used anytime, anywhere and on any device. For travelling, to get to know new cultures and for school, studies or internships. |
With the award-winning long-term memory learning method, you'll always remember Japanese.
Superlearning technology allows you to achieve 36.2% faster learning success and increase your ability to concentrate.
Learning Japanese has never been easier:
The course automatically provides you with all exercises each day. As a result, you learn Japanese with a natural flow. |
Numerous learning techniques promise both fun and effective learning, inspiring you to persist in learning Japanese each day.
17 |
Other | |
Long-term Never forget |
Learn through |
Superlearning: Learn |
Additional audio |
Sound quality of vocabulary |
Studio recordings by native speakers |
Often |
Payment | One-off payment |
Often monthly subscription |
At the heart of every language are the verbs. You will begin with the most frequently used verbs and all their conjugated forms. When you recognise and form verbs correctly, you have already learned the most important part of grammar and can now form meaningful sentences. |
to have | ある / aru |
I have | 私はある / watashi wa aru |
you have | あなたはある / anata wa aru |
he has | 彼はある / kare wa aru |
we have | 私たちはある / watashi tachi wa aru |
you have | あなたたちはある / anata tachi wa aru |
they have | 彼らはある / karera wa aru |
to be | いる / iru |
I am | 私はいる / watashi wa iru |
you are | あなたはいる / anata wa iru |
he is | 彼はいる / kare wa iru |
we are | 私たちはいる / watashi tachi wa iru |
you are | あなたたちはいる / anata tachi wa iru |
they are | 彼らはいる / karera wa iru |
to go | 行く / iku |
I go | 私は行く / watashi wa iku |
you go | あなたは行く / anata wa iku |
he goes | 彼は行く / kare wa iku |
we go | 私たちは行く / watashi tachi wa iku |
you go | あなたたちは行く / anata tachi wa iku |
they go | 彼らは行く / karera wa iku |
can | できる / dekiru |
I can | 私はできる / watashi wa dekiru |
you can | あなたはできる / amata wa dekiru |
he can | 彼はできる / kare wa dekiru |
we can | 私たちはできる / watashi tachi wa dekiru |
you can | あなたたちはできる / anata tachi wa dekiru |
they can | 彼らはできる / karera wa dekiru |
to do | する / suru |
I do | 私はする / watashi wa suru |
you do | あなたはする / anata wa suru |
he does | 彼はする / kare wa suru |
we do | 私たちはする / watashi tachi wa suru |
you do | あなたたちはする / anata tachi wa suru |
they do | 彼らはする / karera wa suru |
I had | 私はあった / watashi wa atta |
you had | あなたはあった / anata wa atta |
he had | 彼はあった / kare wa atta |
we had | 私たちはあった / watashi tachi wa atta |
you had | あなたたちはあった / anata tachi wa atta |
they had | 彼らはあった / karera wa atta |
I was | 私はいた / watashi wa ita |
you were | あなたはいた / anata wa ita |
he was | 彼はいた / kare wa ita |
we were | 私たちはいた / watashi tachi wa ita |
you were | あなたたちはいた / anata tachi wa ita |
they were | 彼らはいた / kare wa ita |
I went | 私は行った / watashi wa itta |
you went | あなたは行った / anata wa itta |
he went | 彼は行った / kare wa itta |
we went | 私たちは行った / watashi tachi wa itta |
you went | あなたたちは行った / anata tachi wa itta |
they went | 彼らは行った / karera wa itta |
I did | 私はした / watashi wa shita |
you did | あなたはした / anata wa shita |
he did | 彼はした / kare wa shita |
we did | 私たちはした / watashi tachi wa shita |
you did | あなたたちはした / anata tachi wa shita |
they did | 彼らはした / karera wa shita |
I will have | 私はある / watashi wa aru |
you will have | あなたはある / anata wa aru |
he will have | 彼はある / kare wa aru |
we will have | 私たちはある / watashi tachi wa aru |
you will have | あなたたちはある / anata tachi wa aru |
they will have | 彼らはある / karera wa aru |
I will be | 私はいる / watashi wa iru |
you will be | あなたはいる / anata wa iru |
he will be | 彼はいる / kare wa iru |
we will be | 私たちはいる / watashi tachi wa iru |
you will be | あなたたちはいる / anata tachi wa iru |
they will be | 彼らはいる / karera wa iru |
I will go | 私は行く / watashi wa iku |
you will go | あなたは行く / anata wa iku |
he will go | 彼は行く / kare wa iku |
we will go | 私たちは行く / watashi tachi wa iku |
you will go | あなたたちは行く / anata tachi wa iku |
they will go | 彼らは行くkarera wa iku |
I will do | 私はする / watashi wa suru |
you will do | あなたはする / anata wa suru |
he will do | 彼はする / kare wa suru |
we will do | 私たちはする / watashi tachi wa suru |
you will do | あなたたちはする / anata tachi wa suru |
they will do | 彼らはする / karera wa suru |
Is there ... ? | ...はありますか。 / ...wa ari masu ka. |
May I ... ? | ...てもいいですか。 / ...temo ii desu ka. |
I need ... | ...が必要です。 / ...ga hitsuyou desu. |
Where is ... ? | ...はどこですか。 / ...wa doko desu ka. |
What is ... ? | ...は何ですか。 / ... wa nan desu ka. |
How much is ... ? | ...はいくらですか。 / ... wa ikura desu ka. |
I would like to have ... | ...をください。 / ...o kudasai. |
Can you ... ? | ...くれる。 / ...kureru. |
Practice Japanese in the morning on the train using your iPhone or Android smartphone.
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You can pick up where you left off during your lunch break on your laptop, using Windows, Linux or on a Mac.
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In the evenings, you can kick back in your favourite spot and learn while you relax, whether it's on your iPad, Windows or Android tablet.
| ...when doing physical activity or riding a bike |
| ...while driving |
| ...while sitting comfortably on the sofa at home |
| ...on the train or bus |
| ...in between breaks or waiting periods |