Pronunciation and Stressing of the Albanian Alphabet


In Albanian, the writing and pronunciation correspond with each other.

Special characters

There are two special characters:

  • «ç» corresponds to 'tch' , e.g. 'match'
  • «ë» corresponds to a closed 'e' similar to 'oyster' or the sound in Oi (ɔɪ) (BE)

Sounds, consisting of two letters:

  • «dh» corresponds to 'th' (voiced), e.g. in 'they'
  • «gj» is to be pronounced at the same time (simultaneously) «g+j»
  • «g» like in 'garage'; «j» is pronounced like the «y» in 'year'
  • «ll» corresponds to «l» , e.g. English 'bill'
  • «nj» corresponds to the Spanisch letter «ñ» ('eh-nyeh'), e.g. in 'Señor'
  • «rr» is pronounced like a rolling «r» (at least) double tonguing
  • «sh» is similar to English «sh», it corresponds to 'sh' (unvoiced), e.g. 'shoe'
  • «th» corresponds to the English «th» (unvoiced), e.g. 'thunder'
  • «xh» is pronounced like a voiced «j» e.g. 'jeans'
  • «zh» corresponds to the sound «sh» (voiced), e.g. 'garage'


  • In words ending on a vocal, the penultimate syllable is stressed
  • Words ending on a consonant, the last syllable is stressed



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