“400 bilingual stories for Latvian learners:
The perfect texts to learn Latvian”

bilingual stories in Latvian and English
  • By reading the multitude of texts, you will gain a deep understanding of the Latvian language.
    It is the perfect practice material to understand Latvian like your own native language and to be able to speak it with absolute fluency.
  • You will be able to understand common phrases and everyday language, which is essential for fluency.
  • The 400+ texts have been created by linguists who have a deep understanding of the needs of Latvian learners.
  • The stories contain more than 5,000 sentences in Latvian, which would fill six books of 200 pages each if printed out.
  • You can read the texts in any browser.
    You can also choose whether you want to read the sentences in Latvian and English one after the other.
    You also have the option of hiding the sentences in Latvian or English: you will only see the translation when you tap or click on it.

Wide variety of texts:

These 400 texts combine a variety of topics and styles to present you the full spectrum of the Latvian language:
150 short stories in Latvian and English
Want to expand your vocabulary?
This collection offers more than 150 short stories on all kinds of interesting topics.
practise Latvian grammar with texts in Latvian
Want to practise your grammar?
In more than 100 collections of sentences, you can delve deeper into one topic from Latvian grammar.
everyday dialogue texts in Latvian and English
Do you want to understand everyday Latvian?
Immerse yourself in 150 real-life conversations that will give you the practical help you need in these situations.
Learn the subtleties and nuances of Latvian with all of these texts.

Master Latvian with texts for beginners, advanced learners and professionals:

The 400 bilingual texts are a well thought-out learning tool specially designed to improve your language skills.
The texts are organised according to 6 language levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).
You have the option of displaying all sentences or hiding the translations in English so that you only see them when you tap or click on them.
This gives you control over your learning workload and allows you to progress continuously.
Latvian texts on all learning levels

Targeted learning made easy:

An interactive, clickable table of contents makes navigation easier and allows you to jump directly to the topics that interest you most.
Whether you want to concentrate on a specific subject area or simply browse through the variety of texts – this book adapts to your individual learning style.
interactive e-book Latvian-English

Learning in small bites:

The best thing about it?
You don't have to read and learn for hours at a time.
The texts are designed so that one text can be read in just three minutes.
So you can learn in small steps every day – perfect for a busy schedule or for those who want to learn in between.
Latvian texts in clearly organised learning units

Adapt the texts perfectly to your learning level:

Have you just started learning Latvian?
Then we recommend that you first read a sentence in Latvian and then look at its English equivalent.
The English translation can be hidden so that you can think about the meaning of the sentence without being disturbed.
Have you already reached a more advanced level?
In this case, it's best to start with the sentence in English and hide the Latvian version.
This will give you time to think about how you would translate this sentence into Latvian.
Latvian texts for beginners and advanced readers

Unlimited reading on any device:

You won't run out of reading material any time soon – if printed out, the texts would fill six books of 200 pages each.
You can read the texts on any browser – on your PC, tablet and smartphone.
reading texts Latvian for PC, tablet, smartphone

So you progress quickly:

  • If you have learnt more than 600 Latvian vocabulary words, keep reading the A1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 1,300 Latvian words, read the A2 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 2,100 Latvian words, read the B1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 3,000 Latvian words, read the level B2 texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 4,000 Latvian words, read the C1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 5,000 Latvian words, read the level C2 texts until you understand everything.
With over 1,000 sentences per learning level, you won't run out of learning materials anytime soon.
how many Latvian words for different learning levels

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Pirkt saldējumu
Buying ice cream
Tas ir karsts vasaras diena.
It's a hot summer day.
Zēns dodas uz saldējuma veikalu.
A boy goes to the ice cream shop.
Viņš grib nopirkt saldējumu.
He wants to buy an ice cream.
Viņš redz daudz dažādu šķirņu.
He sees many different flavors.
Šokolāde, vaniļa, zemenes un vēl.
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more.
Viņš nevar izlemt.
He can't decide.
Viņš lūdz padomu pārdevējai.
He asks the saleswoman for advice.
Viņa iesaka viņam mangos šķirni.
She recommends the mango flavor.
Viņš to nogaršo un tam patīk.
He tries it and he likes it.
Viņš pērk mango saldējumu.
He buys the mango ice cream.
Viņš ir laimīgs ar savu izvēli.
He is happy with his choice.
Viņš dodas mājās un bauda savu saldējumu.
He goes home and enjoys his ice cream.
Tas ir skaists diena.
It's a beautiful day.
Teikumi A1 līmeņa par darbības vārdu lietošanu tagadnē
A1 level sentences demonstrating the use of verbs in the present tense
Es ēdu ābolu.
I am eating an apple.
Tu ej uz skolu.
You are going to school.
Viņš dzer ūdeni.
He is drinking water.
Viņa guļ.
She is sleeping.
Mēs spēlējam futbolu.
We are playing football.
Jūs lasāt grāmatu.
You are reading a book.
Viņi dejo.
They are dancing.
Es skatos filmu.
I am watching a movie.
Tu dzied dziesmu.
You are singing a song.
Viņš gatavo ēdienu.
He is cooking the meal.
Viņa peld.
She swims.
Mēs smejamies.
We laugh.
Jūs skrienat.
You (plural) run.
Viņi studē.
They study.
Es zīmēju.
I draw.
Tu runā.
You speak.
Viņš raksta.
He writes.
Viņa klausās mūziku.
She listens to music.
Mēs braucam ar auto.
We drive a car.
Jūs dejot.
You are dancing.
Saruna: Sveiciet kādu, kuru pazīstat
Conversation: Greet someone you know
Sveiki Pēteri, kā tev iet?
Hello Peter, how are you?
Es tevi ilgi neesmu redzējis.
I haven't seen you for a long time.
Vai tev ir labs dienas laiks?
Are you having a good day?
Kāds bija tavs nedēļas nogale?
How was your weekend?
Ko tu dariji?
What did you do?
Vai tas bija jauki?
Was it nice?
Prieks tevi redzēt.
It's nice to see you.
Gaidu mūsu nākamo tikšanos.
I look forward to our next meeting.
Redzēsimies vēlāk!
See you later!
Pieņemt veselīgāku dzīvesveidu
Adopt a healthier lifestyle
Mehmet vienmēr ēda picu un ātro ēdienu.
Mehmet has always eaten pizza and fast food.
Bet tagad viņš vēlas ēst veselīgāk.
But now he wants to eat healthier.
Viņš iet uz tirgu un pērk dārzeņus un augļus.
He goes to the market and buys vegetables and fruit.
Viņš gatavo mājās un vairs neēd ātro ēdienu.
He cooks at home and doesn't eat fast food anymore.
Mehmet sāk arī nodarboties ar sportu.
Mehmet also starts exercising.
Viņš iet uz sporta zāli.
He goes to the gym.
Viņš skrien katru dienu vienu stundu.
He runs for an hour every day.
Viņš jūtas labāk un ir enerģiskāks.
He feels better and has more energy.
Viņa draugi pamanījuši izmaiņas.
His friends notice the change.
Viņi saka: "Mehmet, tu izskaties labi!"
They say: "Mehmet, you look good!"
Mehmet ir laimīgs ar savu jauno dzīvesveidu.
Mehmet is happy with his new lifestyle.
Viņš saka: "Jūtos veselīgāks un stiprāks."
He says: "I feel healthier and stronger."
Mehmet ir pieņēmis veselīgāku dzīvesveidu un ir laimīgs.
Mehmet has adopted a healthier lifestyle and is happy.
A2 teikumi, kas ilustrē personisko vietniekvārdu lietojumu dažādos kontekstos
A2 sentences illustrating the use of personal pronouns in various contexts
Viņa bieži gatavo pastu, jo viņai patīk Itālija.
She often cooks pasta because she loves Italy.
Mēs viņu satikām parkā un pavadījām lielisku laiku.
We met him in the park and had a great time.
Jūs mūs varat brīvi apciemot.
You are welcome to visit us.
Vai es varu tev palīdzēt atrast grāmatu?
Can I help you find the book?
Viņi skatās filmu kinoteātrī.
They are watching a movie in the cinema.
Viņam patīk viņas cepure, jo tā ir krāsaina.
He likes her hat because it is colorful.
Viņa pastaigājas ar savu suni.
She is walking with her dog.
Mēs esam ieplānojuši ceļojumu uz Grieķiju.
We have planned a trip to Greece.
Vai tu lūdzu man varētu padot sāli?
Could you please pass me the salt?
Viņš remontē viņas auto, jo viņa to nevar.
He is fixing her car because she can't.
Viņiem patīk viņu darbs, jo tas ir radošs.
They love their job because it is creative.
Vai es jums varu aiznest glāzi ūdens?
Can I bring you (formal) a glass of water?
Viņš viņai katru dienu dāvā rozi.
He gives her a rose every day.
Viņi pie mums ierodas rīt.
They are coming to us tomorrow.
Vai tu viņam varētu nodot ziņu?
Can you deliver the message to him?
Viņa mums stāsta smieklīgu stāstu.
She tells us a funny story.
Jūs vienmēr esat laipni gaidīti.
You are always welcome.
Vai es tev varu dot grāmatu?
Can I give you the book?
Viņš viņiem raksta vēstuli.
He writes them a letter.
Viņa man ir devis dāvanu.
She gave me a gift.
Saruna: Diskusija par jūsu ikdienas rutīnu un to, ko jūs darāt dienas laikā
Conversation: Discussion about your daily routine and what you do during the day
Katru rītu es pamostos plkst. septiņos.
I wake up every morning at seven o'clock.
Pēc tam es mazgāju zobus un dušojos.
Then, I brush my teeth and take a shower.
Es brokastoj un dzeru kafiju, lai sāktu dienu.
I have breakfast and drink coffee to start the day.
Tad es dodos uz darbu un strādāju līdz pieciem.
Then I go to work and work until five o'clock.
Pēc darba es ietu uz sporta zāli.
After work, I go to the gym.
Parasti es gatavoju vakariņas un pēc tam skatos televīziju.
I usually cook my dinner and then watch TV.
Pirms gulētiešanas es lasu grāmatu.
Before going to bed, I read a book.
Parasti es iet gultā ap desmitiem.
I usually go to bed around ten o'clock.
Tā ir mana ikdienas rutīna.
This is my daily routine.
Mājas renovācijas projekta plānošana un īstenošana
Planning and implementing a home renovation project
Mans vārds ir Sāra, un es dzīvoju Sietlā.
My name is Sarah and I live in Seattle.
Mana aizraušanās ir vecu māju renovēšana.
My passion is renovating old houses.
Nesen es nopirku vecu viktoriāņu māju.
I recently bought an old Victorian house.
Tā bija sliktā stāvoklī, bet es redzēju potenciālu.
It was in a bad condition, but I saw potential.
Es sāku plānot renovāciju.
I started planning the renovation.
Vispirms es izveidoju nepieciešamo darbu sarakstu.
First, I made a list of necessary works.
Pēc tam es sāku meklēt amatniekus.
Then, I started looking for craftsmen.
Nebija viegli atrast pareizās cilvēkus.
It wasn't easy to find the right people.
Bet es neuzdevu, un beigās es atradu lielisku komandu.
But I didn't give up and finally found a great team.
Mēs sākām renovēt māju.
We began to renovate the house.
Tas bija daudz darba, bet mēs pieņēmām izaicinājumu.
It was a lot of work, but we took up the challenge.
Katru dienu es redzēju uzlabojumus, un tas bija ļoti apmierinoši.
Every day, I saw improvements and it was very fulfilling.
Beigās māja bija gatava, un es biju lepna par to, ko mēs bijām sasnieguši.
Finally, the house was finished, and I was proud of what we had accomplished.
Vecā viktoriāņu māja tagad bija skaists mājoklis.
The old Victorian house was now a beautiful home.
Tas bija garš un nogurdinošs process, bet tas bija tā vērts.
It was a long and exhausting process, but it was worth it.
Es ar nepacietību gaidu sava nākamā renovācijas projekta uzsākšanu.
I am looking forward to starting my next renovation project.
B1 teikumi, kas demonstrē pareizu īpašnieku vietniekvārdu lietojumu
B1 sentences demonstrating the correct use of possessive pronouns
Tava laipnība ir tas, ko es vērtēju visvairāk tevī.
Your kindness is what I appreciate most about you.
Viņu vecajai mājai ir īpašs šarms.
Your old house has a special charm.
Viņa rakstīšanas veids ir ļoti unikāls.
His way of writing is very unique.
Mūsu vecmāmiņa mums atstājusi šo kaklarotu.
Our grandmother left us this necklace.
Viņa entuziasms mākslai ir inficējošs.
His enthusiasm for art is infectious.
Tas ir viņas iecienītākais restorāns pilsētā.
This is her favorite restaurant in the city.
Tava godīgums ir apbrīnojams.
Your honesty is admirable.
Mūsu mājai ir brīnišķīgs skats uz jūru.
Our house has a beautiful view of the sea.
Viņas radošums ir tiešām iespaidīgs.
Her creativity is really impressive.
Viņas tēvam ir liela bibliotēka.
Her father has a large library.
Mans draugs ir pazaudējis savas atslēgas.
My friend lost his keys.
Viņas skolotāja ir ļoti stingra.
Her teacher is very strict.
Tavs brālis ir lielisks humorists.
Your brother has a great sense of humor.
Tas ir mūsu jaunais auto.
This is our new car.
Viņas kurpes ir ļoti stilīgas.
Her shoes are very stylish.
Mans tēvs šo galdu ir uztaisījis pats.
My father built this table himself.
Viņas kaķis ir ļoti mīlīgs.
Her cat is very cute.
Tava māte ļoti labi gatavo.
Your mother cooks excellently.
Viņa brāļi un māsas ir ļoti sportiski.
His siblings are very athletic.
Tas ir viņas iecienītākais filma.
This is her favorite movie.
Saruna: Diskusija par jūsu iecienītākajām filmām un televīzijas sērijām, ieskaitot žanrus un aktierus
Conversation: Discussion about your favorite movies and TV series, including genres and actors
Kāda veida filmas un televīzijas sērijas jūs vislabprātāk skatāties?
What kind of movies and TV series do you prefer to watch?
Man ļoti patīk zinātniskā fantastika un piedzīvojumu filmas.
I really like science fiction and adventure movies.
Vai jums ir mīļākais aktieris vai aktrise?
Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
Jā, es esmu liels Leonardo DiCaprio fans.
Yes, I am a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Kuru televīzijas sēriju visvairāk ieteiktu?
Which TV series do you recommend the most?
Es ieteiktu "Stranger Things", šī sērija ir ļoti aizraujoša.
I recommend 'Stranger Things', the series is very exciting.
Kāda ir jūsu visu laiku mīļākā filma?
What is your all-time favorite movie?
Mana mīļākā filma ir "Kumis".
My favorite movie is 'The Godfather'.
Man patīk arī dokumentālās filmas, īpaši tās, kas veltītas dabai un videi.
I also like documentaries, especially those that deal with nature and environment.
Pioniera darbs atjaunojamo enerģijas tehnoloģiju izlaušanai
Pioneering work for the breakthrough in renewable energy technologies
Es esmu Zainab, izgudrojoša zinātniece no Kuala Lumpur, Malaizija.
I am Zainab, an inventive scientist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mana vīzija ir nodrošināt pasauli ar ilgtspējīgu enerģiju, attīstot jaunas tehnoloģijas.
My vision is to power the world with sustainable energy by developing new technologies.
Kādā dienā es atklāju veidu, kā efektīvāk un lētāk ražot saules šūnas.
One day, I discovered a way to manufacture solar cells more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Tas atvieglotu piekļuvi tīrai enerģijai daudziem cilvēkiem pasaulē.
This would make access to clean energy easier for many people around the world.
Tomēr darbs bija izaicinājumiem pilns un prasīja daudzus gadiem ilgu intensīvu pētniecību un attīstību.
However, the work was challenging and required many years of intense research and development.
Pēc neskaitāmiem eksperimentiem un uzlabojumiem mums izdevās tehnoloģiju sagatavot tirgum.
After countless experiments and improvements, we were able to bring the technology to market maturity.
Iespēja iegūta, kad liela enerģētikas uzņēmums parādīja interesi par mūsu tehnoloģiju.
The breakthrough came when a major energy company showed interest in our technology.
Viņi ieguldīja mūsu uzņēmumā un palīdzēja mums palielināt ražošanu.
They invested in our company and helped us increase production.
Mūsu atjaunojamie enerģijas avoti tika izmantoti visā pasaulē un veicināja oglekļa emisiju samazināšanu.
Our renewable energy sources were used worldwide and contributed to reducing carbon emissions.
Šodien es lepojos, ka esmu devusi ieguldījumu, lai pasauli padarītu par labāku vietu.
Today, I am proud to have contributed to making the world a better place.
Bet ceļojums šeit nebeidzas.
But the journey doesn't end here.
Es esmu apņēmusies turpināt attīstīt inovatīvas tehnoloģijas, kas uzlabos mūsu dzīvi un aizsargās mūsu planētu.
I am determined to continue developing innovative technologies that improve our lives and protect our planet.
B2 teikumi, kas uzskatāmi parāda demonstratīvo vietniekvārdu lomu
B2 sentences on the role of demonstrative pronouns
Tie koki, kurus tu redzi fonā, ir vairāki gadsimti veci.
Those trees that you see in the background are several centuries old.
Šis gleznojums, kas karājas stūrī, ir no Renesanses laikmeta.
This painting hanging in the corner originates from the Renaissance.
Šīs grāmatas šeit ir manu pētījumu pamats.
These books here form the foundation for my research.
Tās putni tur būrī ir retas sugas.
Those birds over there in the cage are rare species.
Ziedi, ko tu esi stādījis, ir brīnišķīgi ziedējuši.
These flowers that you planted bloomed wonderfully.
Tās skulptūras tur ir no 18. gadsimta.
Those sculptures over there are from the 18th century.
Šī pilsēta, kurā es dzīvoju, ir bagāta ar vēsturi.
This city where I live has a rich history.
Tas vīrietis tur ir slavens rakstnieks.
That man over there is a famous writer.
Šī kalns, ko tu redzi, ir augstākais reģionā.
This mountain you see is the highest in the region.
Šī stāsts, ko tu stāsti, ir aizraujošs.
This story you are telling is fascinating.
Tie mākoņi tur norāda uz vētru.
Those clouds there announce a storm.
Šis tilts, ko mēs šķērsojam, tika uzcelts iepriekšējā gadsimtā.
This bridge we are crossing was built last century.
Šī dzeja, ko tu esi recitējis, mani dziļi aizkustināja.
This poem you recited has deeply touched me.
Tā upe, ko mēs vakar redzējām, ir ļoti pazīstama.
That river we saw yesterday is very famous.
Šie vārdi, ko tu esi teicis, paliek pie manis.
These words you said stay with me.
Tas kuģis tur ārā ir ļoti vecs.
That ship out there is very old.
Šis ābeļkoks šeit tika stādīts manu vectēva laikā.
This apple tree here was planted by my grandfather.
Tā dziesma, ko viņa dzied, ir ļoti skaista.
That song she sings is very beautiful.
Šī pieredze, ko tu esi ieguvis, ir ļoti vērtīga.
This experience you had is very valuable.
Tā kalna virsotne, ko redz no tālienes, ir populāra pārgājieni.
That mountain seen in the distance is a popular hiking destination.
Saruna: Dalieties savos ceļojumu piedzīvojumos un diskutējiet par kultūras tikšanās pieredzi
Conversation: Share your travel adventures and discuss cultural encounters
Manā ceļojumā uz Taizemi es sastapu fascinējošu tradīciju un mūsdienīguma kombināciju.
During my trip to Thailand, I encountered a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity.
Vai jūs esat apmeklējuši fascinējošos Angkoras tempļus Kambodžā?
Have you ever visited the fascinating temples of Angkor in Cambodia?
Japānas cilvēku viesmīlība mani dziļi iespaidoja.
The hospitality of the people in Japan deeply impressed me.
Kādas īpašas kultūras pieredzes jums ir bijušas jūsu ceļojumos?
What extraordinary cultural experiences have you had on your travels?
Elpu aizraujošā arhitektūra Dubajā ir patiess baudījums acīm.
The breathtaking architecture in Dubai is a feast for the eyes.
Vai jūs esat piedzīvojuši Indijas unikālās ēdiena tradīcijas?
Have you experienced the unique culinary traditions of India?
Mana pārgājiens pa Peru lietus mežiem bija patiesa piedzīvojums.
My trek through the Peruvian rainforest was a real adventure.
Kuras valstis jūs esat apmeklējuši, kuras ir atstājušas dziļu ietekmi uz jums?
Which countries have you visited that had a profound impact on you?
Tikšanās ar Maasai Kenijā bija dzīves mainoša pieredze.
Meeting the Maasai in Kenya was a life-changing experience.
Ceļojumi mums atver ne tikai acis, bet arī sirdi jaunām kultūrām.
Traveling not only opens our eyes but also our hearts to new cultures.
Pionieru pētījumu projekta vadīšana ģenētikas inženierijā
Leading a groundbreaking research project in genetic engineering
Marta, izcila ģenētiķe dzīvojoša plaukstošā Sanfrancisko pilsētā, sastopās ar izaicinājumu.
Marta, an outstanding geneticist in the vibrant city of San Francisco, was faced with a challenge.
Viņa vadīja zinātnieku komandu, kas veica augstākā līmeņa pētījumu projektu par augu ģenētisko modificēšanu.
She led a team of scientists in conducting a cutting-edge research project on genetic modification of plants.
Viņi mēģināja modificēt kviešus tā, lai tie varētu augt ekstremālos klimata apstākļos.
They were trying to modify wheat so that it could grow in extreme climate conditions.
Marta pavadīja bezgalīgas stundas laboratorijā, analizējot ģenētiskās secības un modificējot ģēnus.
Marta spent countless hours in the lab, analyzing genetic sequences and modifying genes.
Neskatoties uz izaicinājumiem un nenoteiktību, viņa vienmēr saglabāja savu optimizmu un izlēmību.
Despite the challenges and uncertainty, she always kept her optimism and determination.
Viņa stingri ticēja, ka viņas darbs ir potenciāls mainīt pasauli un cīnīties pret badu un nabadzību.
She firmly believed that her work had the potential to change the world and combat hunger and poverty.
Marta un viņas komanda strādāja neizsīkstoši, vienmēr meklējot nākamo izlaušanos.
Marta and her team worked tirelessly, always in search of the next breakthrough.
Viņi pārvarēja atpakaļslāņus, svinēja mazās uzvaras un pastāvīgi mācījās.
They overcame setbacks, celebrated small victories, and constantly learned.
Pēc gadiem ilgušām pētījumu un neskaitāmām eksperimentu veikšanām, viņi beidzot guva nozīmīgu panākumu.
After years of research and countless experiments, they finally achieved a significant breakthrough.
Viņi bija izveidojuši ģenētiski modificētu kviešu šķirni, kas varēja dzīvot ekstrēmos apstākļos.
They had created a genetically modified wheat variety that could thrive in extreme conditions.
Marta jutās lepna un apmierināta, redzot sava darba panākumus.
Marta felt a wave of pride and fulfillment as she saw the success of her work.
Viņas pētījumiem bija potenciāls palīdzēt miljoniem cilvēku un cīnīties pret badu pasaulē.
Her research had the potential to help millions of people and combat world hunger.
Viņa lepojās, ka ir daļa no šāda revolucionāra darba, kas pārvietoja iespējamo robežas.
She was proud to be part of such groundbreaking work that pushed the boundaries of the possible.
Ar cerību un optimisma sajūtu, Marta skatījās nākotnē, gatava nākamajiem izaicinājumiem, kas viņai būs jāpārvar ceļā.
With a sense of hope and optimism, Marta looked to the future, ready for the next challenges that would come her way.
Saruna: Runāt par jūsu pieredzi vadības amatos un komandas vadībā
Conversation: Discussing your experiences in leadership roles and team management
Manā lomā kā komandas vadītājam es ātri sapratu, ka efektīva komunikācija ir izšķiroša.
In my role as team leader, I quickly realized that effective communication is crucial.
Dažreiz ir nepieciešams pieņemt grūtus lēmumus, kas ietekmē visu komandu.
Sometimes it is necessary to make difficult decisions that affect the entire team.
Mana uzdevums bija motivēt komandu un vienlaikus nodrošināt, ka darbs tiek veikts efektīvi.
It was my job to motivate the team while ensuring that the work gets done effectively.
Es esmu iemācījies, ka ir ļoti svarīgi saprast katra komandas locekļa individuālās stiprās un vājās puses.
I learned that understanding the individual strengths and weaknesses of each team member is of great importance.
Dažreiz man bija jārisina konflikti komandas iekšienē un jārod taisnīgs kompromiss.
Sometimes I had to resolve conflicts within the team and find a fair compromise.
Atvērtas un atbalstošas kultūras veidošana bija svarīga daļa no manas vadības filozofijas.
Developing an open and supportive culture was an important part of my leadership philosophy.
Katra indivīda ieguldījuma novērtēšana un kopējās saliedētības veicināšana bija mūsu panākumu atslēga.
Appreciating each individual's contribution and fostering cohesion were keys to our success.
Es esmu atzinis nepieciešamību sniegt un saņemt pastāvīgu atgriezenisko saiti, lai veicinātu izaugsmi un uzlabojumus.
I also recognized the need to give and receive continuous feedback to promote growth and improvement.
Mana pieredze man ir parādījusi, ka vadīt nozīmē iedvesmot citus sniegt to labāko, ko viņi var.
My experience has shown me that leadership means inspiring others to give their best.
Globālas reakcijas koordinācija uz masīvu kiberuzbrukumu kritiskajai infrastruktūrai
Coordination of a global response to a massive cyber attack on critical infrastructures
Bijusi klusa un zvaigžņota nakts, kad drošības centru ekrānos visā pasaulē parādījās nelabvēlīgi brīdinājuma ziņojumi.
It was a quiet and starlit night when ominous warning messages began to appear on the screens of security centers around the world.
Es esmu Jin-ho, augsta ranga tīkla drošības analītiķis ar bāzi Seulā, un es tikko biju novietojis savu kafijas krūzi, kad mans monitorā iedegās pirmā brīdinājuma signāla lampiņa.
I am Jin-ho, a high-ranking network security analyst based in Seoul, and I had just set down my coffee cup when the first warning signal started flashing on my monitor.
Dažu sekunžu laikā man kļuva skaidrs, ka mēs saskaramies ar neikdienišķu drošības incidentu.
Within a few seconds, it became clear to me that we were not dealing with an everyday security incident here.
Neidentificēts dalībnieks veica augsti koordinētu uzbrukumu kritiskajai infrastruktūrai visā pasaulē.
An unidentified actor was conducting a highly coordinated attack on critical infrastructures worldwide.
Kad uzbrukuma apmērs kļuva arvien skaidrāks, es zvanīju saviem kolēģiem Tokijā, Vašingtonā un Londonā, lai koordinētu globālu reakcijas plānu.
As the scope of the attack became more and more clear, I called my colleagues in Tokyo, Washington, and London to coordinate a global response plan.
Izaicinājums bija bezprecedenta, bet mums bija jākoncentrējas uz vadības pārņemšanu šajā globālajā krīzē.
The challenge was unprecedented, but we had to focus on taking the helm in this global crisis.
Haosa vidū mēs sazinājāmies ar ekspertiem un valdībām visā pasaulē, lai pārrunātu nākamos soļus un koordinētu efektīvu pretmēru.
Amid the chaos, we connected with experts and governments around the world to discuss the next steps and coordinate an effective countermeasure.
Šis masīvais uzbrukums uzsvēra vajadzību, ka valstīm ir jāsadarbojas, lai padarītu kibertelpu drošāku.
This massive attack underscores the need for countries to work together to make cyberspace safer.
Saruna: Ekspertīzes dalīšanās par starptautisko diplomātiju un ģeopolitiku
Conversation: Exchange of expert insights on international diplomacy and geopolitics
Ģeopolitika ir sarežģīta un dinamiska disciplīna, kas pēta varas, telpas un laika mijiedarbību globālā līmenī.
Geopolitics is a complex and dynamic discipline that examines the interaction of power, space, and time on a global scale.
Kā Jūs vērtētu pašreizējo ģeopolitisko ainavu?
How would you assess the current geopolitical landscape?
Ņemot vērā jaunākos spriedzes gadījumus un ģeopolitiskās pārmaiņas, pasaule šķiet pastāvīgā pārmaiņu stāvoklī.
Considering recent tensions and geopolitical changes, the world seems to be subject to constant change.
Kādu lomu šajā pastāvīgi mainīgajā kontekstā spēlē diplomātija?
What role does diplomacy play in this constantly changing context?
Diplomātija darbojas kā pamata rīks dialoga veicināšanai, konfliktu risināšanai un starptautisko attiecību uzturēšanai.
Diplomacy serves as a fundamental tool for promoting dialogue, resolving conflicts, and maintaining international relations.
Vai Jūs varētu analizēt aktuālu ģeopolitisku konfliktu un izteikt savu vērtējumu par to?
Could you analyze a current geopolitical conflict and give your assessment?
Pastāvīgās spriedzes starp lielvalstīm ir potenciāls nopietni traucēt ģeopolitisko līdzsvaru.
The ongoing tensions between the major powers have the potential to seriously disrupt the geopolitical balance.
Kā diplomātiskie pasākumi varētu veicināt šādu spriedzi mazināšanu?
How could diplomatic measures contribute to easing such tensions?
Ar konstruktīvām sarunām un sadarbības gribu diplomāti var likt pamatus mierīgākai nākotnei.
Through constructive negotiations and a willingness to cooperate, diplomats can lay the foundation for a more peaceful future.

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