“400 bilingual stories for Danish learners:
The perfect texts to learn Danish”

bilingual stories in Danish and English
  • By reading the multitude of texts, you will gain a deep understanding of the Danish language.
    It is the perfect practice material to understand Danish like your own native language and to be able to speak it with absolute fluency.
  • You will be able to understand common phrases and everyday language, which is essential for fluency.
  • The 400+ texts have been created by linguists who have a deep understanding of the needs of Danish learners.
  • The stories contain more than 5,000 sentences in Danish, which would fill six books of 200 pages each if printed out.
  • You can read the texts in any browser.
    You can also choose whether you want to read the sentences in Danish and English one after the other.
    You also have the option of hiding the sentences in Danish or English: you will only see the translation when you tap or click on it.

Wide variety of texts:

These 400 texts combine a variety of topics and styles to present you the full spectrum of the Danish language:
150 short stories in Danish and English
Want to expand your vocabulary?
This collection offers more than 150 short stories on all kinds of interesting topics.
practise Danish grammar with texts in Danish
Want to practise your grammar?
In more than 100 collections of sentences, you can delve deeper into one topic from Danish grammar.
everyday dialogue texts in Danish and English
Do you want to understand everyday Danish?
Immerse yourself in 150 real-life conversations that will give you the practical help you need in these situations.
Learn the subtleties and nuances of Danish with all of these texts.

Master Danish with texts for beginners, advanced learners and professionals:

The 400 bilingual texts are a well thought-out learning tool specially designed to improve your language skills.
The texts are organised according to 6 language levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).
You have the option of displaying all sentences or hiding the translations in English so that you only see them when you tap or click on them.
This gives you control over your learning workload and allows you to progress continuously.
Danish texts on all learning levels

Targeted learning made easy:

An interactive, clickable table of contents makes navigation easier and allows you to jump directly to the topics that interest you most.
Whether you want to concentrate on a specific subject area or simply browse through the variety of texts – this book adapts to your individual learning style.
interactive e-book Danish-English

Learning in small bites:

The best thing about it?
You don't have to read and learn for hours at a time.
The texts are designed so that one text can be read in just three minutes.
So you can learn in small steps every day – perfect for a busy schedule or for those who want to learn in between.
Danish texts in clearly organised learning units

Adapt the texts perfectly to your learning level:

Have you just started learning Danish?
Then we recommend that you first read a sentence in Danish and then look at its English equivalent.
The English translation can be hidden so that you can think about the meaning of the sentence without being disturbed.
Have you already reached a more advanced level?
In this case, it's best to start with the sentence in English and hide the Danish version.
This will give you time to think about how you would translate this sentence into Danish.
Danish texts for beginners and advanced readers

Unlimited reading on any device:

You won't run out of reading material any time soon – if printed out, the texts would fill six books of 200 pages each.
You can read the texts on any browser – on your PC, tablet and smartphone.
reading texts Danish for PC, tablet, smartphone

So you progress quickly:

  • If you have learnt more than 600 Danish vocabulary words, keep reading the A1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 1,300 Danish words, read the A2 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 2,100 Danish words, read the B1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 3,000 Danish words, read the level B2 texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 4,000 Danish words, read the C1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 5,000 Danish words, read the level C2 texts until you understand everything.
With over 1,000 sentences per learning level, you won't run out of learning materials anytime soon.
how many Danish words for different learning levels

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If you want a taste of this unique learning experience, read the free trial version of the texts (with a sample 20 of the 400 texts):
This will give you an insight into the structure and quality of the texts provided.
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Bilingual stories (free trial)
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Købe is
Buying ice cream
Det er en varm sommerdag.
It's a hot summer day.
En dreng går til isbutikken.
A boy goes to the ice cream shop.
Han vil købe en is.
He wants to buy an ice cream.
Han ser mange forskellige slags.
He sees many different flavors.
Chokolade, vanilje, jordbær og mere.
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more.
Han kan ikke beslutte sig.
He can't decide.
Han spørger ekspedienten om råd.
He asks the saleswoman for advice.
Hun anbefaler ham mango-smagen.
She recommends the mango flavor.
Han prøver den og han kan lide den.
He tries it and he likes it.
Han køber mango-is.
He buys the mango ice cream.
Han er glad for sit valg.
He is happy with his choice.
Han går hjem og nyder sin is.
He goes home and enjoys his ice cream.
Det er en dejlig dag.
It's a beautiful day.
Sætninger på niveau A1 til brug af verber i nutid
A1 level sentences demonstrating the use of verbs in the present tense
Jeg spiser et æble.
I am eating an apple.
Du går i skole.
You are going to school.
Han drikker vand.
He is drinking water.
Hun sover.
She is sleeping.
Vi spiller fodbold.
We are playing football.
I læser en bog.
You are reading a book.
De danser.
They are dancing.
Jeg ser en film.
I am watching a movie.
Du synger en sang.
You are singing a song.
Han laver maden.
He is cooking the meal.
Hun svømmer.
She swims.
Vi griner.
We laugh.
I løber.
You (plural) run.
De studerer.
They study.
Jeg tegner.
I draw.
Du taler.
You speak.
Han skriver.
He writes.
Hun lytter til musik.
She listens to music.
Vi kører bil.
We drive a car.
I danser.
You are dancing.
Samtale: Hilse på nogen, du kender
Conversation: Greet someone you know
Hej Peter, hvordan har du det?
Hello Peter, how are you?
Jeg har ikke set dig i lang tid.
I haven't seen you for a long time.
Har du haft en god dag?
Are you having a good day?
Hvordan var din weekend?
How was your weekend?
Hvad har du lavet?
What did you do?
Var det godt?
Was it nice?
Det er godt at se dig.
It's nice to see you.
Jeg ser frem til vores næste møde.
I look forward to our next meeting.
Vi ses senere!
See you later!
Adoptere en sundere livsstil
Adopt a healthier lifestyle
Mehmet har altid spist pizza og fastfood.
Mehmet has always eaten pizza and fast food.
Men nu vil han spise sundere.
But now he wants to eat healthier.
Han går til markedet og køber grøntsager og frugt.
He goes to the market and buys vegetables and fruit.
Han laver mad hjemme og spiser ikke længere fastfood.
He cooks at home and doesn't eat fast food anymore.
Mehmet begynder også at dyrke sport.
Mehmet also starts exercising.
Han går i fitnesscenteret.
He goes to the gym.
Han løber en time hver dag.
He runs for an hour every day.
Han føler sig bedre og har mere energi.
He feels better and has more energy.
Hans venner bemærker ændringen.
His friends notice the change.
De siger: "Mehmet, du ser godt ud!"
They say: "Mehmet, you look good!"
Mehmet er glad for sin nye livsstil.
Mehmet is happy with his new lifestyle.
Han siger: "Jeg føler mig sundere og stærkere."
He says: "I feel healthier and stronger."
Mehmet har adopteret en sundere livsstil og er glad.
Mehmet has adopted a healthier lifestyle and is happy.
A2 sætninger til brug af personlige stedord i forskellige sammenhænge
A2 sentences illustrating the use of personal pronouns in various contexts
Hun laver ofte pasta, fordi hun elsker Italien.
She often cooks pasta because she loves Italy.
Vi mødte ham i parken og havde en fantastisk tid.
We met him in the park and had a great time.
I er velkomne til at besøge os.
You are welcome to visit us.
Kan jeg hjælpe dig med at finde bogen?
Can I help you find the book?
De ser en film i biografen.
They are watching a movie in the cinema.
Han kan godt lide hendes hat, fordi den er farverig.
He likes her hat because it is colorful.
Hun går tur med sin hund.
She is walking with her dog.
Vi har planlagt en tur til Grækenland.
We have planned a trip to Greece.
Kan du give mig saltet, tak?
Could you please pass me the salt?
Han reparerer hendes bil, fordi hun ikke kan.
He is fixing her car because she can't.
De elsker deres job, fordi det er kreativt.
They love their job because it is creative.
Må jeg bringe Dem (formelt) et glas vand?
Can I bring you (formal) a glass of water?
Han giver hende en rose hver dag.
He gives her a rose every day.
De kommer over til os i morgen.
They are coming to us tomorrow.
Kan du give ham beskeden?
Can you deliver the message to him?
Hun fortæller os en sjov historie.
She tells us a funny story.
I er altid velkomne.
You are always welcome.
Kan jeg give dig bogen?
Can I give you the book?
Han skriver et brev til dem.
He writes them a letter.
Hun gav mig en gave.
She gave me a gift.
Samtale: Diskussion om din daglige rutine og hvad du laver i løbet af dagen
Conversation: Discussion about your daily routine and what you do during the day
Jeg vågner hver morgen klokken syv.
I wake up every morning at seven o'clock.
Derefter børster jeg mine tænder og tager et brusebad.
Then, I brush my teeth and take a shower.
Jeg spiser morgenmad og drikker kaffe for at starte dagen.
I have breakfast and drink coffee to start the day.
Derefter går jeg på arbejde og arbejder indtil kl. fem.
Then I go to work and work until five o'clock.
Efter arbejde går jeg til fitnesscentret.
After work, I go to the gym.
Jeg laver normalt min aftensmad og ser derefter fjernsyn.
I usually cook my dinner and then watch TV.
Før jeg går i seng, læser jeg en bog.
Before going to bed, I read a book.
Jeg går normalt i seng omkring klokken ti.
I usually go to bed around ten o'clock.
Det er min daglige rutine.
This is my daily routine.
Planlægning og udførelse af et hjemrenoveringsprojekt
Planning and implementing a home renovation project
Mit navn er Sarah, og jeg bor i Seattle.
My name is Sarah and I live in Seattle.
Min passion er at renovere gamle huse.
My passion is renovating old houses.
For nylig købte jeg et gammelt victoriansk hus.
I recently bought an old Victorian house.
Det var i dårlig stand, men jeg så potentiale.
It was in a bad condition, but I saw potential.
Jeg begyndte at planlægge renoveringen.
I started planning the renovation.
Først lavede jeg en liste over de nødvendige arbejder.
First, I made a list of necessary works.
Derefter begyndte jeg at lede efter håndværkere.
Then, I started looking for craftsmen.
Det var ikke let at finde de rigtige folk.
It wasn't easy to find the right people.
Men jeg gav ikke op, og til sidst fandt jeg et fantastisk team.
But I didn't give up and finally found a great team.
Vi begyndte at renovere huset.
We began to renovate the house.
Det var meget arbejde, men vi tog udfordringen op.
It was a lot of work, but we took up the challenge.
Hver dag så jeg forbedringer, og det var meget tilfredsstillende.
Every day, I saw improvements and it was very fulfilling.
Til sidst var huset færdigt, og jeg var stolt over, hvad vi havde opnået.
Finally, the house was finished, and I was proud of what we had accomplished.
Det gamle victorianske hus var nu et smukt hjem.
The old Victorian house was now a beautiful home.
Det var en lang og udmattende proces, men det var det værd.
It was a long and exhausting process, but it was worth it.
Jeg glæder mig til at starte mit næste renoveringsprojekt.
I am looking forward to starting my next renovation project.
B1 sætninger, der demonstrerer den korrekte brug af besiddende stedord
B1 sentences demonstrating the correct use of possessive pronouns
Din venlighed er det, jeg værdsætter mest ved dig.
Your kindness is what I appreciate most about you.
Deres gamle hus har en særlig charme.
Your old house has a special charm.
Hans skrivestil er meget unik.
His way of writing is very unique.
Vores bedstemor har efterladt os denne halskæde.
Our grandmother left us this necklace.
Hans entusiasme for kunst er smittende.
His enthusiasm for art is infectious.
Det er hendes yndlingsrestaurant i byen.
This is her favorite restaurant in the city.
Din ærlighed er beundringsværdig.
Your honesty is admirable.
Vores hus har en vidunderlig udsigt over havet.
Our house has a beautiful view of the sea.
Hendes kreativitet er virkelig imponerende.
Her creativity is really impressive.
Hendes far har et stort bibliotek.
Her father has a large library.
Min ven har mistet sine nøgler.
My friend lost his keys.
Hendes lærerinde er meget streng.
Her teacher is very strict.
Din bror har en fantastisk humoristisk sans.
Your brother has a great sense of humor.
Det er vores nye bil.
This is our new car.
Hendes sko er meget stilfulde.
Her shoes are very stylish.
Min far har bygget dette bord selv.
My father built this table himself.
Hendes kat er meget sød.
Her cat is very cute.
Din mor laver fremragende mad.
Your mother cooks excellently.
Hans søskende er meget sportslige.
His siblings are very athletic.
Det er hendes yndlingsfilm.
This is her favorite movie.
Samtale: Diskussion af dine foretrukne film og tv-serier, inklusive genrer og skuespillere
Conversation: Discussion about your favorite movies and TV series, including genres and actors
Hvilken type film og tv-serier foretrækker du at se?
What kind of movies and TV series do you prefer to watch?
Jeg er meget glad for science fiction- og eventyrfilm.
I really like science fiction and adventure movies.
Har du en yndlingsskuespiller eller -skuespillerinde?
Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
Ja, jeg er en stor fan af Leonardo DiCaprio.
Yes, I am a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Hvilken tv-serie vil du anbefale mest?
Which TV series do you recommend the most?
Jeg anbefaler "Stranger Things", serien er meget spændende.
I recommend 'Stranger Things', the series is very exciting.
Hvad er din yndlingsfilm nogensinde?
What is your all-time favorite movie?
Min yndlingsfilm er "Gudfaren".
My favorite movie is 'The Godfather'.
Jeg kan også godt lide dokumentarfilm, især dem der handler om natur og miljø.
I also like documentaries, especially those that deal with nature and environment.
Pionerarbejde for gennembrud i vedvarende energiteknologier
Pioneering work for the breakthrough in renewable energy technologies
Jeg er Zainab, en opfindsom forsker fra Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I am Zainab, an inventive scientist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Min vision er at forsyne verden med bæredygtig energi ved at udvikle nye teknologier.
My vision is to power the world with sustainable energy by developing new technologies.
En dag opdagede jeg en måde at fremstille solceller mere effektivt og omkostningseffektivt.
One day, I discovered a way to manufacture solar cells more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Det ville lette adgangen til ren energi for mange mennesker i verden.
This would make access to clean energy easier for many people around the world.
Arbejdet var dog udfordrende og krævede mange års intensiv forskning og udvikling.
However, the work was challenging and required many years of intense research and development.
Efter utallige eksperimenter og forbedringer lykkedes det os at gøre teknologien klar til markedet.
After countless experiments and improvements, we were able to bring the technology to market maturity.
Gennembruddet kom, da et stort energiselskab viste interesse for vores teknologi.
The breakthrough came when a major energy company showed interest in our technology.
De investerede i vores virksomhed og hjalp os med at øge produktionen.
They invested in our company and helped us increase production.
Vores vedvarende energikilder blev anvendt globalt og bidrog til at reducere kulstofemissionerne.
Our renewable energy sources were used worldwide and contributed to reducing carbon emissions.
I dag er jeg stolt af, at jeg har bidraget til at gøre verden til et bedre sted.
Today, I am proud to have contributed to making the world a better place.
Men rejsen stopper ikke her.
But the journey doesn't end here.
Jeg er besluttet på at fortsætte med at udvikle innovative teknologier, der vil forbedre vores liv og beskytte vores planet.
I am determined to continue developing innovative technologies that improve our lives and protect our planet.
B2 sætninger til rollen af demonstrative pronominer
B2 sentences on the role of demonstrative pronouns
De træer, du ser i baggrunden, er flere århundreder gamle.
Those trees that you see in the background are several centuries old.
Dette maleri, der hænger i hjørnet, stammer fra renæssancen.
This painting hanging in the corner originates from the Renaissance.
Disse bøger her er grundlaget for min forskning.
These books here form the foundation for my research.
De fugle der i buret er sjældne arter.
Those birds over there in the cage are rare species.
De blomster, du har plantet, er blomstret vidunderligt.
These flowers that you planted bloomed wonderfully.
De skulpturer der er fra det 18. århundrede.
Those sculptures over there are from the 18th century.
Den by, jeg bor i, har en rig historie.
This city where I live has a rich history.
Den mand derovre er en kendt forfatter.
That man over there is a famous writer.
Det bjerg, du ser, er det højeste i regionen.
This mountain you see is the highest in the region.
Den historie, du fortæller, er fascinerende.
This story you are telling is fascinating.
De skyer derovre varsler en storm.
Those clouds there announce a storm.
Den bro, vi krydser, blev bygget i sidste århundrede.
This bridge we are crossing was built last century.
Det digt, du har reciteret, har rørt mig dybt.
This poem you recited has deeply touched me.
Den flod, vi så i går, er meget kendt.
That river we saw yesterday is very famous.
De ord, du har sagt, bliver hos mig.
These words you said stay with me.
Det skib derude er meget gammelt.
That ship out there is very old.
Dette æbletræ her blev plantet af min bedstefar.
This apple tree here was planted by my grandfather.
Den sang, hun synger, er meget smuk.
That song she sings is very beautiful.
Den erfaring, du har gjort, er meget værdifuld.
This experience you had is very valuable.
Det bjerg, der kan ses i det fjerne, er en populær vandredestination.
That mountain seen in the distance is a popular hiking destination.
Samtale: Del dine rejseeventyr og diskuter kulturelle møder
Conversation: Share your travel adventures and discuss cultural encounters
Under min rejse til Thailand mødte jeg en fascinerende blanding af tradition og modernitet.
During my trip to Thailand, I encountered a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity.
Har du nogensinde besøgt de fascinerende templer i Angkor i Cambodja?
Have you ever visited the fascinating temples of Angkor in Cambodia?
Gæstfriheden af folk i Japan har dybt imponeret mig.
The hospitality of the people in Japan deeply impressed me.
Hvilke enestående kulturelle oplevelser har du haft på dine rejser?
What extraordinary cultural experiences have you had on your travels?
Den betagende arkitektur i Dubai er en sand fryd for øjet.
The breathtaking architecture in Dubai is a feast for the eyes.
Har du oplevet Indiens unikke kulinariske traditioner?
Have you experienced the unique culinary traditions of India?
Min vandretur gennem den peruvianske regnskov var et ægte eventyr.
My trek through the Peruvian rainforest was a real adventure.
Hvilke lande har du besøgt, der har haft en dyb indvirkning på dig?
Which countries have you visited that had a profound impact on you?
Mødet med Maasai i Kenya var en livsforandrende oplevelse.
Meeting the Maasai in Kenya was a life-changing experience.
Rejser åbner ikke kun vores øjne, men også vores hjerter for nye kulturer.
Traveling not only opens our eyes but also our hearts to new cultures.
Ledelse af et banebrydende forskningsprojekt indenfor genteknologi
Leading a groundbreaking research project in genetic engineering
Marta, en fremragende genetiker i den pulserende by San Francisco, stod over for en udfordring.
Marta, an outstanding geneticist in the vibrant city of San Francisco, was faced with a challenge.
Hun ledede et team af videnskabsfolk i gennemførelsen af et topmoderne forskningsprojekt om genetisk modifikation af planter.
She led a team of scientists in conducting a cutting-edge research project on genetic modification of plants.
De forsøgte at ændre hvede, så den kunne vokse under ekstreme klimaforhold.
They were trying to modify wheat so that it could grow in extreme climate conditions.
Marta tilbragte utallige timer i laboratoriet, analyserede genetiske sekvenser og modificerede gener.
Marta spent countless hours in the lab, analyzing genetic sequences and modifying genes.
På trods af udfordringerne og usikkerheden bevarede hun altid sin optimisme og beslutsomhed.
Despite the challenges and uncertainty, she always kept her optimism and determination.
Hun troede fast på, at hendes arbejde havde potentiale til at ændre verden og bekæmpe sult og fattigdom.
She firmly believed that her work had the potential to change the world and combat hunger and poverty.
Marta og hendes team arbejdede utrætteligt, altid på jagt efter det næste gennembrud.
Marta and her team worked tirelessly, always in search of the next breakthrough.
De overkom tilbageslag, fejrede små sejre og lærte konstant.
They overcame setbacks, celebrated small victories, and constantly learned.
Efter års forskning og utallige eksperimenter opnåede de endelig et betydeligt gennembrud.
After years of research and countless experiments, they finally achieved a significant breakthrough.
De havde skabt en genetisk modificeret hvedesort, der kunne trives under ekstreme forhold.
They had created a genetically modified wheat variety that could thrive in extreme conditions.
Marta følte en bølge af stolthed og opfyldelse, da hun så succesen af hendes arbejde.
Marta felt a wave of pride and fulfillment as she saw the success of her work.
Hendes forskning havde potentialet til at hjælpe millioner af mennesker og bekæmpe sult i verden.
Her research had the potential to help millions of people and combat world hunger.
Hun var stolt af at være en del af sådan et banebrydende arbejde, der rykkede grænserne for, hvad der er muligt.
She was proud to be part of such groundbreaking work that pushed the boundaries of the possible.
Med en følelse af håb og optimisme kiggede Marta ind i fremtiden, klar til de næste udfordringer, der ville præsentere sig på hendes vej.
With a sense of hope and optimism, Marta looked to the future, ready for the next challenges that would come her way.
Samtale: Tale om dine erfaringer med ledelsesroller og teamledelse
Conversation: Discussing your experiences in leadership roles and team management
I min rolle som teamleder opdagede jeg hurtigt, at effektiv kommunikation er afgørende.
In my role as team leader, I quickly realized that effective communication is crucial.
Nogle gange er det nødvendigt at træffe svære beslutninger, der påvirker hele teamet.
Sometimes it is necessary to make difficult decisions that affect the entire team.
Det var min opgave at motivere teamet, mens jeg sikrede, at arbejdet blev udført effektivt.
It was my job to motivate the team while ensuring that the work gets done effectively.
Jeg har lært, at det er afgørende at forstå de individuelle styrker og svagheder hos hvert teammedlem.
I learned that understanding the individual strengths and weaknesses of each team member is of great importance.
Nogle gange måtte jeg løse konflikter inden for teamet og finde en retfærdig kompromis.
Sometimes I had to resolve conflicts within the team and find a fair compromise.
Udviklingen af en åben og støttende kultur var en vigtig del af min ledelsesfilosofi.
Developing an open and supportive culture was an important part of my leadership philosophy.
At værdsætte bidraget fra hver enkelt og at fremme sammenholdet var nøglen til vores succes.
Appreciating each individual's contribution and fostering cohesion were keys to our success.
Jeg har også anerkendt behovet for at give og modtage løbende feedback for at fremme vækst og forbedring.
I also recognized the need to give and receive continuous feedback to promote growth and improvement.
Min erfaring har vist mig, at ledelse betyder at inspirere andre til at give deres bedste.
My experience has shown me that leadership means inspiring others to give their best.
Koordinering af en global reaktion på et massivt cyberangreb på kritisk infrastruktur
Coordination of a global response to a massive cyber attack on critical infrastructures
Det var en stille og stjerneklar nat, da dystre advarselsbeskeder begyndte at dukke op på sikkerhedscentrenes skærme over hele verden.
It was a quiet and starlit night when ominous warning messages began to appear on the screens of security centers around the world.
Jeg er Jin-ho, en højtstående netværkssikkerhedsanalytiker baseret i Seoul, og jeg havde lige sat min kaffekop fra mig, da det første advarselssignal begyndte at blinke på min skærm.
I am Jin-ho, a high-ranking network security analyst based in Seoul, and I had just set down my coffee cup when the first warning signal started flashing on my monitor.
Inden for få sekunder blev det klart for mig, at vi ikke havde at gøre med en almindelig sikkerhedshændelse.
Within a few seconds, it became clear to me that we were not dealing with an everyday security incident here.
En uidentificeret aktør udførte et højt koordineret angreb på kritisk infrastruktur over hele verden.
An unidentified actor was conducting a highly coordinated attack on critical infrastructures worldwide.
Da omfanget af angrebet blev mere og mere klart, ringede jeg til mine kolleger i Tokyo, Washington og London for at koordinere en global reaktionsplan.
As the scope of the attack became more and more clear, I called my colleagues in Tokyo, Washington, and London to coordinate a global response plan.
Udfordringen var enestående, men vi skulle fokusere på at tage roret i denne globale krise.
The challenge was unprecedented, but we had to focus on taking the helm in this global crisis.
Midt i kaosset kontaktede vi eksperter og regeringer over hele verden for at diskutere de næste skridt og koordinere en effektiv modforanstaltning.
Amid the chaos, we connected with experts and governments around the world to discuss the next steps and coordinate an effective countermeasure.
Dette massive angreb understreger nødvendigheden af, at lande skal arbejde sammen for at gøre cyberspace sikrere.
This massive attack underscores the need for countries to work together to make cyberspace safer.
Samtale: Deling af ekspertise om international diplomati og geopolitik
Conversation: Exchange of expert insights on international diplomacy and geopolitics
Geopolitik er en kompleks og dynamisk disciplin, der undersøger interaktionen af magt, rum og tid på globalt niveau.
Geopolitics is a complex and dynamic discipline that examines the interaction of power, space, and time on a global scale.
Hvordan vil du vurdere det nuværende geopolitiske landskab?
How would you assess the current geopolitical landscape?
I betragtning af de seneste spændinger og geopolitiske ændringer, synes verden at være under konstant forandring.
Considering recent tensions and geopolitical changes, the world seems to be subject to constant change.
Hvilken rolle spiller diplomati i denne konstant skiftende kontekst?
What role does diplomacy play in this constantly changing context?
Diplomati fungerer som et fundamentalt værktøj til fremme af dialog, løsning af konflikter og opretholdelse af internationale relationer.
Diplomacy serves as a fundamental tool for promoting dialogue, resolving conflicts, and maintaining international relations.
Kunne du analysere en aktuel geopolitisk konflikt og give din vurdering af den?
Could you analyze a current geopolitical conflict and give your assessment?
De vedvarende spændinger mellem stormagterne har potentiale til alvorligt at forstyrre den geopolitiske balance.
The ongoing tensions between the major powers have the potential to seriously disrupt the geopolitical balance.
Hvordan kunne diplomatiske foranstaltninger bidrage til at dæmpe sådanne spændinger?
How could diplomatic measures contribute to easing such tensions?
Gennem konstruktive forhandlinger og en vilje til samarbejde kan diplomater lægge grundlaget for en mere fredelig fremtid.
Through constructive negotiations and a willingness to cooperate, diplomats can lay the foundation for a more peaceful future.

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