“400 bilingual stories for Afrikaans learners:
The perfect texts to learn Afrikaans”

bilingual stories in Afrikaans and English
  • By reading the multitude of texts, you will gain a deep understanding of the Afrikaans language.
    It is the perfect practice material to understand Afrikaans like your own native language and to be able to speak it with absolute fluency.
  • You will be able to understand common phrases and everyday language, which is essential for fluency.
  • The 400+ texts have been created by linguists who have a deep understanding of the needs of Afrikaans learners.
  • The stories contain more than 5,000 sentences in Afrikaans, which would fill six books of 200 pages each if printed out.
  • You can read the texts in any browser.
    You can also choose whether you want to read the sentences in Afrikaans and English one after the other.
    You also have the option of hiding the sentences in Afrikaans or English: you will only see the translation when you tap or click on it.

Wide variety of texts:

These 400 texts combine a variety of topics and styles to present you the full spectrum of the Afrikaans language:
150 short stories in Afrikaans and English
Want to expand your vocabulary?
This collection offers more than 150 short stories on all kinds of interesting topics.
practise Afrikaans grammar with texts in Afrikaans
Want to practise your grammar?
In more than 100 collections of sentences, you can delve deeper into one topic from Afrikaans grammar.
everyday dialogue texts in Afrikaans and English
Do you want to understand everyday Afrikaans?
Immerse yourself in 150 real-life conversations that will give you the practical help you need in these situations.
Learn the subtleties and nuances of Afrikaans with all of these texts.

Master Afrikaans with texts for beginners, advanced learners and professionals:

The 400 bilingual texts are a well thought-out learning tool specially designed to improve your language skills.
The texts are organised according to 6 language levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).
You have the option of displaying all sentences or hiding the translations in English so that you only see them when you tap or click on them.
This gives you control over your learning workload and allows you to progress continuously.
Afrikaans texts on all learning levels

Targeted learning made easy:

An interactive, clickable table of contents makes navigation easier and allows you to jump directly to the topics that interest you most.
Whether you want to concentrate on a specific subject area or simply browse through the variety of texts – this book adapts to your individual learning style.
interactive e-book Afrikaans-English

Learning in small bites:

The best thing about it?
You don't have to read and learn for hours at a time.
The texts are designed so that one text can be read in just three minutes.
So you can learn in small steps every day – perfect for a busy schedule or for those who want to learn in between.
Afrikaans texts in clearly organised learning units

Adapt the texts perfectly to your learning level:

Have you just started learning Afrikaans?
Then we recommend that you first read a sentence in Afrikaans and then look at its English equivalent.
The English translation can be hidden so that you can think about the meaning of the sentence without being disturbed.
Have you already reached a more advanced level?
In this case, it's best to start with the sentence in English and hide the Afrikaans version.
This will give you time to think about how you would translate this sentence into Afrikaans.
Afrikaans texts for beginners and advanced readers

Unlimited reading on any device:

You won't run out of reading material any time soon – if printed out, the texts would fill six books of 200 pages each.
You can read the texts on any browser – on your PC, tablet and smartphone.
reading texts Afrikaans for PC, tablet, smartphone

So you progress quickly:

  • If you have learnt more than 600 Afrikaans vocabulary words, keep reading the A1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 1,300 Afrikaans words, read the A2 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 2,100 Afrikaans words, read the B1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 3,000 Afrikaans words, read the level B2 texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 4,000 Afrikaans words, read the C1 level texts until you understand everything.
  • If you have learnt more than 5,000 Afrikaans words, read the level C2 texts until you understand everything.
With over 1,000 sentences per learning level, you won't run out of learning materials anytime soon.
how many Afrikaans words for different learning levels

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If you want a taste of this unique learning experience, read the free trial version of the texts (with a sample 20 of the 400 texts):
This will give you an insight into the structure and quality of the texts provided.
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Bilingual stories (free trial)
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Roomys koop
Buying ice cream
Dit is 'n warm somersdag.
It's a hot summer day.
'n Seun gaan na die roomyswinkel.
A boy goes to the ice cream shop.
Hy wil 'n roomys koop.
He wants to buy an ice cream.
Hy sien baie verskillende soorte.
He sees many different flavors.
Sjokolade, vanielje, aarbei en meer.
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more.
Hy kan nie besluit nie.
He can't decide.
Hy vra die verkoopster om raad.
He asks the saleswoman for advice.
Sy beveel die mangosmaak aan.
She recommends the mango flavor.
Hy proe dit en hy hou daarvan.
He tries it and he likes it.
Hy koop die mango-roomys.
He buys the mango ice cream.
Hy is gelukkig met sy keuse.
He is happy with his choice.
Hy gaan huis toe en geniet sy roomys.
He goes home and enjoys his ice cream.
Dit is 'n mooi dag.
It's a beautiful day.
Sinne van vlak A1 vir die gebruik van werkwoorde in die teenwoordige tyd
A1 level sentences demonstrating the use of verbs in the present tense
Ek eet 'n appel.
I am eating an apple.
Jy gaan skool toe.
You are going to school.
Hy drink water.
He is drinking water.
Sy slaap.
She is sleeping.
Ons speel sokker.
We are playing football.
Julle lees 'n boek.
You are reading a book.
Hulle dans.
They are dancing.
Ek kyk 'n film.
I am watching a movie.
Jy sing 'n lied.
You are singing a song.
Hy kook die kos.
He is cooking the meal.
Sy swem.
She swims.
Ons lag.
We laugh.
Julle hardloop.
You (plural) run.
Hulle studeer.
They study.
Ek teken.
I draw.
Jy praat.
You speak.
Hy skryf.
He writes.
Sy luister musiek.
She listens to music.
Ons bestuur 'n motor.
We drive a car.
Julle dans.
You are dancing.
Geselskap: Groet iemand wat jy ken
Conversation: Greet someone you know
Hallo Peter, hoe gaan dit met jou?
Hello Peter, how are you?
Ek het jou lank nie gesien nie.
I haven't seen you for a long time.
Het jy 'n goeie dag gehad?
Are you having a good day?
Hoe was jou naweek?
How was your weekend?
Wat het jy gedoen?
What did you do?
Was dit lekker?
Was it nice?
Dit is lekker om jou te sien.
It's nice to see you.
Ek sien uit na ons volgende ontmoeting.
I look forward to our next meeting.
Ons sien mekaar later!
See you later!
'n Gesonder lewenstyl aanneem
Adopt a healthier lifestyle
Mehmet het altyd pizza en vinnige kos geëet.
Mehmet has always eaten pizza and fast food.
Maar nou wil hy gesonder eet.
But now he wants to eat healthier.
Hy gaan na die mark en koop groente en vrugte.
He goes to the market and buys vegetables and fruit.
Hy kook tuis en eet geen vinnige kos meer nie.
He cooks at home and doesn't eat fast food anymore.
Mehmet begin ook om aan sport te doen.
Mehmet also starts exercising.
Hy gaan na die gimnasium.
He goes to the gym.
Hy hardloop elke dag vir 'n uur.
He runs for an hour every day.
Hy voel beter en het meer energie.
He feels better and has more energy.
Sy vriende merk die verandering op.
His friends notice the change.
Hulle sê: "Mehmet, jy lyk goed!"
They say: "Mehmet, you look good!"
Mehmet is gelukkig met sy nuwe lewenstyl.
Mehmet is happy with his new lifestyle.
Hy sê: "Ek voel gesonder en sterker."
He says: "I feel healthier and stronger."
Mehmet het 'n gesonder leefstyl aangeneem en is gelukkig.
Mehmet has adopted a healthier lifestyle and is happy.
A2 sinne wat die gebruik van persoonlike voornaamwoorde in verskillende kontekste illustreer
A2 sentences illustrating the use of personal pronouns in various contexts
Sy kook dikwels pasta omdat sy Italië liefhet.
She often cooks pasta because she loves Italy.
Ons het hom in die park ontmoet en 'n wonderlike tyd gehad.
We met him in the park and had a great time.
Julle kan ons gerus kom besoek.
You are welcome to visit us.
Kan ek jou help om die boek te vind?
Can I help you find the book?
Hulle kyk 'n fliek in die bioskoop.
They are watching a movie in the cinema.
Hy hou van haar hoed omdat dit kleurryk is.
He likes her hat because it is colorful.
Sy stap met haar hond.
She is walking with her dog.
Ons het 'n reis na Griekeland beplan.
We have planned a trip to Greece.
Kan jy asseblief vir my die sout gee?
Could you please pass me the salt?
Hy herstel haar motor omdat sy dit nie kan doen nie.
He is fixing her car because she can't.
Hulle is lief vir hul werk omdat dit kreatief is.
They love their job because it is creative.
Kan ek vir u ('n formele vorm) 'n glas water bring?
Can I bring you (formal) a glass of water?
Hy gee haar elke dag 'n roos.
He gives her a rose every day.
Hulle kom môre na ons toe.
They are coming to us tomorrow.
Kan jy vir hom die boodskap oordra?
Can you deliver the message to him?
Sy vertel ons 'n snaakse storie.
She tells us a funny story.
Julle is altyd welkom.
You are always welcome.
Kan ek vir jou die boek gee?
Can I give you the book?
Hy skryf vir hulle 'n brief.
He writes them a letter.
Sy het vir my 'n geskenk gegee.
She gave me a gift.
Gesprek: Bespreking oor jou daaglikse roetine en wat jy gedurende die dag doen
Conversation: Discussion about your daily routine and what you do during the day
Ek word elke oggend om sewe uur wakker.
I wake up every morning at seven o'clock.
Daarna borsel ek my tande en stort.
Then, I brush my teeth and take a shower.
Ek ontbyt en drink koffie om die dag te begin.
I have breakfast and drink coffee to start the day.
Dan gaan ek werk en werk tot vyf uur.
Then I go to work and work until five o'clock.
Na werk gaan ek na die gimnasium.
After work, I go to the gym.
Ek kook gewoonlik my aandete en kyk dan TV.
I usually cook my dinner and then watch TV.
Voor ek gaan slaap, lees ek 'n boek.
Before going to bed, I read a book.
Ek gaan gewoonlik om tien uur bed toe.
I usually go to bed around ten o'clock.
Dit is my daaglikse roetine.
This is my daily routine.
Beplanning en uitvoering van 'n huis opknappingsprojek
Planning and implementing a home renovation project
My naam is Sarah en ek woon in Seattle.
My name is Sarah and I live in Seattle.
My passie is om ou huise te renoveer.
My passion is renovating old houses.
Onlangs het ek 'n ou Victoriaanse huis gekoop.
I recently bought an old Victorian house.
Dit was in slegte toestand, maar ek het potensiaal daarin gesien.
It was in a bad condition, but I saw potential.
Ek het begin om die renovasie te beplan.
I started planning the renovation.
Eerstens het ek 'n lys gemaak van die nodige werk.
First, I made a list of necessary works.
Toe het ek begin soek na ambagslui.
Then, I started looking for craftsmen.
Dit was nie maklik om die regte mense te vind nie.
It wasn't easy to find the right people.
Maar ek het nie opgegee nie en uiteindelik 'n fantastiese span gevind.
But I didn't give up and finally found a great team.
Ons het begin om die huis te renoveer.
We began to renovate the house.
Dit was baie werk, maar ons het die uitdaging aangepak.
It was a lot of work, but we took up the challenge.
Elke dag het ek verbeteringe gesien en dit was baie bevredigend.
Every day, I saw improvements and it was very fulfilling.
Uiteindelik was die huis klaar en ek was trots op wat ons bereik het.
Finally, the house was finished, and I was proud of what we had accomplished.
Die ou Victoriaanse huis was nou 'n pragtige huis.
The old Victorian house was now a beautiful home.
Dit was 'n lang en uitputtende proses, maar dit was die moeite werd.
It was a long and exhausting process, but it was worth it.
Ek sien uit daarna om my volgende renovasieprojek te begin.
I am looking forward to starting my next renovation project.
Sinne B1 wat die korrekte gebruik van besitlike voornaamwoorde demonstreer
B1 sentences demonstrating the correct use of possessive pronouns
Jou vriendelikheid is wat ek die meeste aan jou waardeer.
Your kindness is what I appreciate most about you.
Hul ou huis het 'n spesiale sjarme.
Your old house has a special charm.
Sy skryfstyl is baie uniek.
His way of writing is very unique.
Ons ouma het hierdie ketting vir ons nagelaat.
Our grandmother left us this necklace.
Sy entoesiasme vir kuns is aansteeklik.
His enthusiasm for art is infectious.
Dit is haar gunsteling restaurant in die stad.
This is her favorite restaurant in the city.
Jou eerlikheid is bewonderenswaardig.
Your honesty is admirable.
Ons huis het 'n pragtige uitsig oor die see.
Our house has a beautiful view of the sea.
Haar kreatiwiteit is regtig indrukwekkend.
Her creativity is really impressive.
Haar pa het 'n groot biblioteek.
Her father has a large library.
My vriend het sy sleutels verloor.
My friend lost his keys.
Haar onderwyseres is baie streng.
Her teacher is very strict.
Jou broer het 'n wonderlike sin vir humor.
Your brother has a great sense of humor.
Dit is ons nuwe motor.
This is our new car.
Haar skoene is baie stylvol.
Her shoes are very stylish.
My pa het hierdie tafel self gebou.
My father built this table himself.
Haar kat is baie oulik.
Her cat is very cute.
Jou ma kook uitstekend.
Your mother cooks excellently.
Sy broers en susters is baie sportief.
His siblings are very athletic.
Dit is haar gunsteling film.
This is her favorite movie.
Gesprek: Bespreking van jou gunsteling films en televisiereekse, insluitend genres en akteurs
Conversation: Discussion about your favorite movies and TV series, including genres and actors
Watter tipe films en televisiereekse kyk jy die liefste?
What kind of movies and TV series do you prefer to watch?
Ek hou baie van wetenskapfiksie en avontuurfilms.
I really like science fiction and adventure movies.
Het jy 'n gunsteling akteur of aktrise?
Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
Ja, ek is 'n groot aanhanger van Leonardo DiCaprio.
Yes, I am a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Watter televisiereeks beveel jy die meeste aan?
Which TV series do you recommend the most?
Ek beveel "Stranger Things" aan, die reeks is baie opwindend.
I recommend 'Stranger Things', the series is very exciting.
Wat is jou gunsteling film van alle tye?
What is your all-time favorite movie?
My gunsteling film is "Die Pate".
My favorite movie is 'The Godfather'.
Ek hou ook van dokumentêre, veral dié wat handel oor natuur en omgewing.
I also like documentaries, especially those that deal with nature and environment.
Pionierswerk vir die deurbraak in hernubare energie tegnologieë
Pioneering work for the breakthrough in renewable energy technologies
Ek is Zainab, 'n vernuftige wetenskaplike van Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië.
I am Zainab, an inventive scientist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
My visie is om die wêreld van volhoubare energie te voorsien deur nuwe tegnologieë te ontwikkel.
My vision is to power the world with sustainable energy by developing new technologies.
Een dag het ek 'n manier ontdek om sonkrag selle meer doeltreffend en koste-effektief te vervaardig.
One day, I discovered a way to manufacture solar cells more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Dit sou toegang tot skoon energie vir baie mense wêreldwyd vergemaklik.
This would make access to clean energy easier for many people around the world.
Die werk was egter uitdagend en het baie jare van intensiewe navorsing en ontwikkeling benodig.
However, the work was challenging and required many years of intense research and development.
Na ontelbare eksperimente en verbeterings het ons daarin geslaag om die tegnologie markgereed te maak.
After countless experiments and improvements, we were able to bring the technology to market maturity.
Die deurbraak het gekom toe 'n groot energiemaatskappy belangstelling in ons tegnologie getoon het.
The breakthrough came when a major energy company showed interest in our technology.
Hulle het in ons onderneming belê en ons gehelp om die produksie te verhoog.
They invested in our company and helped us increase production.
Ons hernubare energiebronne is wêreldwyd gebruik en het bygedra tot die vermindering van koolstof uitlatings.
Our renewable energy sources were used worldwide and contributed to reducing carbon emissions.
Vandag is ek trots dat ek bygedra het om die wêreld 'n beter plek te maak.
Today, I am proud to have contributed to making the world a better place.
Maar die reis eindig nie hier nie.
But the journey doesn't end here.
Ek is vasbeslote om voort te gaan met die ontwikkeling van innoverende tegnologieë wat ons lewe verbeter en ons planeet beskerm.
I am determined to continue developing innovative technologies that improve our lives and protect our planet.
B2-sinne oor die rol van demonstratiewe voornaamwoorde
B2 sentences on the role of demonstrative pronouns
Daardie bome wat jy op die agtergrond sien, is verskeie eeue oud.
Those trees that you see in the background are several centuries old.
Hierdie skildery wat in die hoek hang, kom uit die Renaissance.
This painting hanging in the corner originates from the Renaissance.
Hierdie boeke hier is die basis vir my navorsing.
These books here form the foundation for my research.
Daardie voëls daar in die hok is skaarse spesies.
Those birds over there in the cage are rare species.
Hierdie blomme wat jy geplant het, het pragtig gebloei.
These flowers that you planted bloomed wonderfully.
Daardie beeldhouwerke daar kom uit die 18de eeu.
Those sculptures over there are from the 18th century.
Hierdie stad waarin ek woon, het 'n ryk geskiedenis.
This city where I live has a rich history.
Daardie man daar oorkant is 'n bekende skrywer.
That man over there is a famous writer.
Hierdie berg wat jy sien, is die hoogste in die streek.
This mountain you see is the highest in the region.
Hierdie storie wat jy vertel, is fassinerend.
This story you are telling is fascinating.
Daardie wolke daar voorspel 'n storm.
Those clouds there announce a storm.
Hierdie brug wat ons oorsteek, is in die vorige eeu gebou.
This bridge we are crossing was built last century.
Hierdie gedig wat jy opgesê het, het my diep geraak.
This poem you recited has deeply touched me.
Daardie rivier wat ons gister gesien het, is baie bekend.
That river we saw yesterday is very famous.
Hierdie woorde wat jy gesê het, bly by my.
These words you said stay with me.
Daardie skip daar buite is baie oud.
That ship out there is very old.
Hierdie appelboom hier is deur my oupa geplant.
This apple tree here was planted by my grandfather.
Daardie liedjie wat sy sing, is baie mooi.
That song she sings is very beautiful.
Hierdie ervaring wat jy gehad het, is baie waardevol.
This experience you had is very valuable.
Daardie berg wat in die verte gesien kan word, is 'n gewilde stapbestemming.
That mountain seen in the distance is a popular hiking destination.
Gesprek: Deel jou reisavonture en gesels oor kulturele ontmoetings
Conversation: Share your travel adventures and discuss cultural encounters
Gedurende my reis na Thailand het ek 'n fassinerende mengsel van tradisie en moderniteit teegekom.
During my trip to Thailand, I encountered a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity.
Het u al ooit die fassinerende tempels van Angkor in Kambodja besoek?
Have you ever visited the fascinating temples of Angkor in Cambodia?
Die gasvryheid van die mense in Japan het my diep beïndruk.
The hospitality of the people in Japan deeply impressed me.
Watter uitsonderlike kultuurervarings het u op u reise gehad?
What extraordinary cultural experiences have you had on your travels?
Die asemrowende argitektuur in Dubai is 'n ware fees vir die oë.
The breathtaking architecture in Dubai is a feast for the eyes.
Het u die unieke kuliner tradisies van Indië beleef?
Have you experienced the unique culinary traditions of India?
My staptoer deur die Peruaanse reënwoud was 'n ware avontuur.
My trek through the Peruvian rainforest was a real adventure.
Watter lande het u besoek wat 'n diepgaande effek op u gehad het?
Which countries have you visited that had a profound impact on you?
My ontmoeting met die Maasai in Kenia was 'n lewensveranderende ervaring.
Meeting the Maasai in Kenya was a life-changing experience.
Reise open nie net ons oë nie, maar ook ons harte vir nuwe kulture.
Traveling not only opens our eyes but also our hearts to new cultures.
Die bestuur van 'n baanbrekende navorsingsprojek in genetiese tegniek
Leading a groundbreaking research project in genetic engineering
Marta, 'n uitstaande genetikus in die lewendige stad San Francisco, het voor 'n uitdaging gestaan.
Marta, an outstanding geneticist in the vibrant city of San Francisco, was faced with a challenge.
Sy het 'n span wetenskaplikes gelei in die uitvoering van 'n topvlak navorsingsprojek oor die genetiese verandering van plante.
She led a team of scientists in conducting a cutting-edge research project on genetic modification of plants.
Hulle het probeer om koring te verander sodat dit in ekstreme klimaatsomstandighede kon groei.
They were trying to modify wheat so that it could grow in extreme climate conditions.
Marta het eindelose ure in die laboratorium deurgebring, genetiese volgordes geanaliseer en gene gemodifiseer.
Marta spent countless hours in the lab, analyzing genetic sequences and modifying genes.
Ten spyte van die uitdagings en onsekerheid het sy altyd haar optimisme en vasberadenheid behou.
Despite the challenges and uncertainty, she always kept her optimism and determination.
Sy het sterk geglo dat haar werk die potensiaal gehad het om die wêreld te verander en honger en armoede te beveg.
She firmly believed that her work had the potential to change the world and combat hunger and poverty.
Marta en haar span het onverpoos gewerk, altyd op soek na die volgende deurbraak.
Marta and her team worked tirelessly, always in search of the next breakthrough.
Hulle het terugslae oorkom, klein oorwinnings gevier en voortdurend geleer.
They overcame setbacks, celebrated small victories, and constantly learned.
Na jare van navorsing en ontelbare eksperimente het hulle uiteindelik 'n beduidende deurbraak bereik.
After years of research and countless experiments, they finally achieved a significant breakthrough.
Hulle het 'n geneties gemodifiseerde koringras geskep wat in ekstreme toestande kon floreer.
They had created a genetically modified wheat variety that could thrive in extreme conditions.
Marta het 'n golf van trots en vervulling gevoel toe sy die sukses van haar werk sien.
Marta felt a wave of pride and fulfillment as she saw the success of her work.
Haar navorsing het die potensiaal gehad om miljoene mense te help en wêreldhonger te bestry.
Her research had the potential to help millions of people and combat world hunger.
Sy was trots om deel te wees van so 'n baanbrekende werk wat die grense van die moontlike verder geskuif het.
She was proud to be part of such groundbreaking work that pushed the boundaries of the possible.
Met 'n gevoel van hoop en optimisme, het Marta na die toekoms gekyk, gereed vir die volgende uitdagings wat op haar pad sou kom.
With a sense of hope and optimism, Marta looked to the future, ready for the next challenges that would come her way.
Gesprek: Praat oor jou ervaringe in leierskapsrolle en spanbestuur
Conversation: Discussing your experiences in leadership roles and team management
In my rol as spanleier het ek vinnig besef dat effektiewe kommunikasie krities is.
In my role as team leader, I quickly realized that effective communication is crucial.
Soms is dit nodig om moeilike besluite te neem wat die hele span raak.
Sometimes it is necessary to make difficult decisions that affect the entire team.
Dit was my taak om die span te motiveer en terselfdertyd te verseker dat die werk effektief voltooi word.
It was my job to motivate the team while ensuring that the work gets done effectively.
Ek het geleer dat dit verstaan van die individuele sterktes en swakhede van elke spanlid van groot belang is.
I learned that understanding the individual strengths and weaknesses of each team member is of great importance.
Soms moes ek konflikte binne die span oplos en 'n billike kompromis vind.
Sometimes I had to resolve conflicts within the team and find a fair compromise.
Die ontwikkeling van 'n oop en ondersteunende kultuur was 'n belangrike deel van my leierskapfilosofie.
Developing an open and supportive culture was an important part of my leadership philosophy.
Waardering vir die bydrae van elke individu en die bevordering van samehorigheid was sleutel tot ons sukses.
Appreciating each individual's contribution and fostering cohesion were keys to our success.
Ek het ook die behoefte erken om deurlopende terugvoer te gee en te ontvang om groei en verbetering te bevorder.
I also recognized the need to give and receive continuous feedback to promote growth and improvement.
My ervaring het aan my gewys dat leierskap beteken om ander te inspireer om hul beste te gee.
My experience has shown me that leadership means inspiring others to give their best.
Koördinasie van 'n wêreldwye reaksie op 'n massiewe kuberaanval op kritieke infrastruktuur
Coordination of a global response to a massive cyber attack on critical infrastructures
Dit was 'n stil en sterrige nag toe onheilspellende waarskuwings op die skerms van sekuriteitsentrums regoor die wêreld verskyn het.
It was a quiet and starlit night when ominous warning messages began to appear on the screens of security centers around the world.
Ek is Jin-ho, 'n senior netwerksekuriteitsanalise gebaseer in Seoul, en ek het pas my koffiebeker neergesit toe die eerste waarskuwingssignaal op my monitor begin flikker het.
I am Jin-ho, a high-ranking network security analyst based in Seoul, and I had just set down my coffee cup when the first warning signal started flashing on my monitor.
Binnen enkele sekondes het dit vir my duidelik geword dat ons nie met 'n alledaagse sekuriteitsvoorval te make het nie.
Within a few seconds, it became clear to me that we were not dealing with an everyday security incident here.
'n Nie-geïdentifiseerde aktor het 'n hoog gekoördineerde aanval op kritieke infrastrukture regoor die wêreld geloods.
An unidentified actor was conducting a highly coordinated attack on critical infrastructures worldwide.
Soos die omvang van die aanval al duideliker geword het, het ek my kollegas in Tokyo, Washington en Londen gebel om 'n wêreldwye reaksieplan te koördineer.
As the scope of the attack became more and more clear, I called my colleagues in Tokyo, Washington, and London to coordinate a global response plan.
Die uitdaging was sonder presedent, maar ons moes daarop fokus om beheer in hierdie globale krisis te neem.
The challenge was unprecedented, but we had to focus on taking the helm in this global crisis.
Te midde van die chaos het ons kontak gemaak met kundiges en regerings regoor die wêreld om die volgende stappe te bespreek en 'n effektiewe teenmaatregel te koördineer.
Amid the chaos, we connected with experts and governments around the world to discuss the next steps and coordinate an effective countermeasure.
Hierdie massiewe aanval beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid dat lande saamwerk om die kuberruimte veiliger te maak.
This massive attack underscores the need for countries to work together to make cyberspace safer.
Gesprek: Uitruil van kundigheid oor internasionale diplomatie en geopolitiek
Conversation: Exchange of expert insights on international diplomacy and geopolitics
Geopolitiek is 'n komplekse en dinamiese dissipline wat die interaksie van mag, ruimte en tyd op 'n globale skaal ondersoek.
Geopolitics is a complex and dynamic discipline that examines the interaction of power, space, and time on a global scale.
Hoe sou u die huidige geopolitieke landskap evalueer?
How would you assess the current geopolitical landscape?
In die lig van onlangse spannings en geopolitieke veranderinge, lyk dit asof die wêreld voortdurend verander.
Considering recent tensions and geopolitical changes, the world seems to be subject to constant change.
Watter rol speel diplomatie in hierdie voortdurend veranderende konteks?
What role does diplomacy play in this constantly changing context?
Diplomasie dien as 'n fundamentele instrument om dialoog te bevorder, konflikte op te los en internasionale verhoudings te handhaaf.
Diplomacy serves as a fundamental tool for promoting dialogue, resolving conflicts, and maintaining international relations.
Kan u 'n huidige geopolitieke konflik analiseer en u beoordeling daaroor gee?
Could you analyze a current geopolitical conflict and give your assessment?
Die voortgesette spanning tussen grootmoondhede het die potensiaal om die geopolitieke balans ernstig te versteur.
The ongoing tensions between the major powers have the potential to seriously disrupt the geopolitical balance.
Hoe kan diplomatieke maatreëls help om sulke spanning te verminder?
How could diplomatic measures contribute to easing such tensions?
Deur konstruktiewe onderhandelinge en 'n wil tot samewerking, kan diplomate die basis vir 'n vreedsamere toekoms lê.
Through constructive negotiations and a willingness to cooperate, diplomats can lay the foundation for a more peaceful future.

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