How to build a website that generates commissions on auto pilot

If you already have a website, all you need to do is put recommendations to our language courses on your website.
If you know how to build websites in general, or if you know SEO, then you can get ahead of Google.
It also works well if you are a travel blogger.
Some of our affiliates have set up websites that have up to 5 pages for every single language. For example, a page that describes how to learn Chinese, one page that gives some examples in Chinese, one page that features the Chinese language course and so on.
And Chinese is only one language out of more than 70.
Here are some examples of what some affiliates created (click to enlarge):
All these affiliates did was: they created those pages, did some SEO and brought the pages to the top of Google.
They now get ten thousands of page views a month and are earning a nice passive income of up to 4000 Euro month after month after month.

Affiliate Agreement
Your Commissions in general
Your Landing Pages
Your Sales
Clicks to your pages
Private Member's Facebook Group
Earn money with recommendations
Earn money with a high ranking website
Earn money with a Facebook campaign
Why it's so easy to sell the language courses
The main reasons why customers are buying from us
The whole sales funnel