The whole sales funnel

Half of our visitors buy right away, after visiting our website.
The other half is testing the "trial version" first.
See, you can use the language course for free, for two full days.
You can try every function, and learn a few dozen words, without paying anything.
In order to do that, people have to give us their email address.
After that, they not only get access to the free trial, they also get emails for a few weeks.
And yes, some are promotional mails, but most of them are pure content.
And new trial versions for other courses.
And after a while, a lot of visitors are buying from us.
So if you start promoting us for a day and you earn 500 Euro, you can expect to earn another 500 Euro over the course of the next weeks.
Affiliate Agreement
Your Commissions in general
Your Landing Pages
Your Sales
Clicks to your pages
Private Member's Facebook Group
Earn money with recommendations
Earn money with a high ranking website
Earn money with a Facebook campaign
Why it's so easy to sell the language courses
The main reasons why customers are buying from us
The whole sales funnel