Why it's so easy to sell the language courses

As our affiliate, you can sell language courses in 80 languages, and you can chose to sell from 14 languages as well.
While there is a lot of competition in the English market, there is little competition in France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Croatia, Greece, Russia, or Lithuania.
That means: Selling the Spanish language course in England is tough; nearly impossible. But selling the Thai language course in Sweden, or the Greek language course in Poland, is super easy.
For all 80 languages, you can even sell up to 5 different levels:
  • If you only want to learn a few phrases, the travel language course would be your best choice.
  • If you really want to learn the language, it would be best to start with the Beginners Language Course (A1+A2). After 3 months, you can have basic conversations.
  • After that, you can continue with the Intermediate Language Course (B1+B2). After another 4 months, you can understand television.
  • After learning the Proficiency Language Course (C1+C2) for another half year, you know nearly every word and you can even understand complicated situations.
  • Add the Business Language Course, and you can work or do business in your new language.
That's why the language course niche is so easy, and why some affiliates so easily earn money.
This is the main page:
On that page, you can click on any country to start from, for example Spain. The following page has the URL:
You can then either put a link to that page on your website or click even further, for example to the page to learn Norwegian (in Spanish):
Your affiliate ID (GT98573) is automatically embedded in all these URLs.
Please note that prices are always based on the country a visitor comes from. Our store supports over 100 currencies; that way a visitor from Spain will get a price in Euro, a visitor from Mexico in Pesos and a visitor from Sweden in Kronor.
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Why it's so easy to sell the language courses
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